A Nice Thought

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October 7th, 1949, Eastern Germany was established as a communist country while West Germany was established as a republic. In the early stages of the separation of the country, travel was not banned, but regulated. Papers were needed to travel between the borders, but the restrictions were extremely strict and people needed to provide their papers at every stop. Eventually, next to no travel from Eastern Germany to another country was allowed, but West Germany allowed travel to another country. Russian spies were heavily monitoring  intel from foreign powers and wiretapping sensitive, private phone calls to collect data. As for money, it was virtually useless (even in Western Germany too) and people would use bills to start fires, insulate shoes, etc.

Thank you for reading! I provided this small paragraph just as a reference if you are unfamiliar with the split in Germany after WWII. I have decided to end the story here, so I hope you enjoyed it!

                                           Love you all,

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