White Walls, Bright Lights

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Earrings dangled from Liesel's ears, tear shaped rubies making their way down her neck. Her plump lips were at last brought to light was a bright red lipstick, and her large innocent eyes batted their long lashes. Her hair was curled, half up and the rest cascading down to the lower portion of her back in a golden swirl.

Gel for styling hair was combed and tugged through Max's coal colored hair. His facial hair was symmetrically pleasing to the eye, and his teeth glistened pure white. He smelt of a good, earthy cologne. His handkerchief and tie were put into place. Getting ready like this always reminded him of when he had to go to dreaded school events that insisted student's should wear their best.

Liesel waited, standing patiently by the door.

Max opened his bedroom door and walked down the hall. And that's when he became instilled with fear, but in a good way. His heart skipped. He felt as if he were staring into the face of a goddess, and all he could do was swallow. Swallow and stare and nothing more besides perspire.

"Are we taking a taxi?" The divine figure asked.

She caught Max frantically pulling out his handkerchief and dabbing his brow.

"Don't be nervous yet! You're sweating worse than a fat man in summer!" Liesel laughed.

"Yes, taxi." Max answered two minutes later and pushed past Liesel to open the door for her.

On the other end, Liesel felt the same way. She felt lucky and proud to be sponsoring this attractive individual in front of rich men. Together they waited on the sidewalk and observed the people and places around them. A barber shop sat a cross the street, a café to their left, and a banking company to their right.

"It was kind for Herr Getz to extend his invitation." Liesel commented without looking at him, for she was watching a happy couple muse over each other in the café. It made her feel cold, stale- perhaps even lonely.

"It was." Max heaved and put his hands in his pockets. He watched a fancy young man get a trim across the way by an older, dapper man. It made him feel hollow, it reminded him of what it was like to be a family and to connect with one another. Oh how terribly he had missed his mother on Kristallnacht and for every day after.

Two lonesome people waited for their taxi, living in complete symbiosis.

The taxi arrived, and Max opened the door for Liesel.

"Your Majesty." Max bowed and acted very serious, then soon cracked into a playful laugh. Liesel giggled and sat down, though a part of her had broken, for that is what Papa used to say when he got the door for her. He closed her door and opened his door on the other side and took a seat. The driver was instructed on where to go and emerged back onto the road.

Twenty minutes of not enough talking and too much laughing had passed. The gallery sat high above them on their right. Max had thanked the driver and tipped him some change.

"Are you nervous?" Liesel asked Max, wide eyed with pursing lips.

"I don't think?" Max hesitated as they entered the building. Max pressed floor number 4 and pulled back his finger, showing the number lit up in a yellow glow. Together they ascended. Quietly. Max felt sick to his stomach. Quite the same to Liesel as well. With the shaking of the pulleys and the churning stomachs- why, it was only a matter of time before one of them upset their stomach too much. They shook, exchanging side smiles every so often. Cold, clammy hands interlocked with their mates, not with the other person standing just an arm's length away.

The elevator settled and the doors opened up to a hallway made of marble. It were almost as if they had time traveled to see the Holy Roman Empire in its prime. The white tile and mosaics on the floor, while beautiful painting on the ceiling depicted religious scenes.

In a short distance, they could hear the soft clattering of silverware on ceramic. Voices mumbled and crescendoed as they neared. The end of the very spacious hallway led them to a statue of Poseidon with his trident in the center of the open floor plan. Perfume, wine, money, the high life smells made Liesel more nauseous.

"Let us go then." Max smiled with fear in his eyes.

Together they walked towards the left. Once they were in sight of everyone it went silent, still. Everyone looked on at them as if waiting for a speech or a presentation of some sort.

"Max! Hello! Welcome!" Herr Getz walked quickly towards them, arms extended as to hug the air. He was a short fellow with plump, red cheeks and large glasses. As he neared Liesel had caught the attention of sweat shining on his forehead.

"And who might you be?"

The One Who Stole the SkyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon