" pffftttt" I hear him laughing

My eyes go wide and I look up, my face full of confusion

" w wh um why are you laughing?" I ask him, my anxiety kicking in

Am I that pathetic

" I'm sorry it's just, you are so cute" I , uh wh what?

" were you worrying about that? Why? Come here" he says opening his arms motioning me to go in

I walk right in between his two arms and rest my head in his chest
Which was as comfortable as ever

" you know I don't mind being the one who initiates, and if you felt like I somehow felt like this was all one sided you can stop worrying, I know you are not as bold as me ok?" He asks and I nod Letting myself sink deeper into his warmth and his smell
God he smells so good

" what were you thinking of doing in the restroom though?" He asked and once again, my heart stopped and I lagged once I looked as his expectant face

" I, I, I, I..." I kept stuttering but only managed to get the word I out

He smiles and kisses my cheek
" doesn't matter let's go lay down hm?" I sighed relieved

I love him

" want me to carry you?" He asks out of nowhere and, once again, blush furiously
But nod

He smiles and carries me bridal style
As he carries me to my room, I can't help but stare at him in awe

He really is
What I expected and more

I chuckle and lay my head on his shoulder

I am going to savor this time with him to the fullest

Bakugo's POV

"You better now?" I ask IcyHot
He nods

We were currently in the shower


Once we arrived at my house he had already stopped crying, his eyes were red

I told him to take a shower but, he didn't want to let go of me so, we ended up taking a shower together

" IcyHot look at me" he obeys and looks at me, his eyes were still red, I grimace remembering him crying
He looked so sad, and his eyes must hurt so much

I run my thumb at the bottom of his eyes, " you cried so much your eyes are red, they hurt don't they?" I ask and he nods still looking sad
I wonder what got him like this

I caress his face, taking in every little part of it
He is gorgeous

" I love you" I tell him and he looks taken aback

Before he could say anything I continue talking

" I love every single thing about you, no matter how I look at it, you are perfect to me, isn't that weird?" I asked him still holding his face, the water running down and weighing his hair down, making it almost impossible to see his eyes

I move the hair out of his face and see him starring down at me, with the slightest of smiles

His hands, which had been resting on the edges of my waist, go around it in a hugging manner.

" one day, I will for reals make you my wife, and that day you won't be able to ask me to stop calling you it, because once that day comes." He stopes and brings himself back to look at me. " once that day comes there will be nothing standing in the way of us." I kept starring at him, my eyes looked like a crystal, I was staring at him like he was something out of those fantasy books

It felt like I was watching the big show, the supernova explosion

It was the prettiest sight I had yet seen

I look down smiling and then look back up at him

" ok." I tell him and entangle my hands behind his neck, slightly standing on ma tippy toes and pecking him

" but before that day comes, can we take a shower?" I ask him smirking and he starts laughing

That's what I wanted to hear
The sweet melody that is his laughter

He looks at me and kisses me again, " yeah I'll wash you hm?" He asks and I roll my eyes but giving in at the end

Like always

He is my always
Word count: 1324

Yeah is did chicken out of writing Deku and Kirishima having sex
I'm really bad at writing kind of cutesy sex sciences and I want each relationship to be different so I want theirs to be kind of more on the innocent side but I'm bad 😖 at that sorry
Anyways here you go my CHILDREN

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