Chp 58

440 20 22

Bakugo's POV


It's official

We have got a cry baby in our hands

It was currently lunchtime, and in the last mhm I don't know let's say, 4 hours, Icy hot has been stuck to me like glue to paper.

After his crying in homeroom, we left for our first class of the day, yet somehow and to many of the teachers' dismay he sat next or behind me the whole time, holding the end of my school uniform shirt very tightly, I think it permanently changed colors.

He was stuck to me and would not let go, and as embarrassing as it was I couldn't bear to be mad at him, it's not his fault his father was dropped many times at birth, it is also not his fault the many drops didn't kill him.

I still don't know what happened with him and that creature and honestly, I do not want to ask and push it, he will tell me when he is ready.

We were sitting at our usual lunch table, but it was only the two of us, the extras have not yet arrived.

I look down at Icy hot, who's head is on my shoulder, and hands are very, very tightly wrapped around me, seriously I'll be lucky if they can ever detach him from me.

"Shoto, can you let me go, I forgot what having a waist felt like, its been 4 hours for fuck's sake." I say looking up at the sky hoping that out of all the dying people in the world, God would hear my present dilemma and help me, choose me because well why wouldn't he.

"You're just so comfortable, plus if you really want me to stop holding you, you could always let my arm go too, no love?" he asks looking up, and as he finishes I look down and I am in fact holding the arm that's wrapped around my front.


It was really I could say, how could I explain this, oh you know your arm just kept getting lower and I thought you would grab my dick any second.

No, I can't say that because not only would that give him an idea, but it would also just not be true.

But then again, the hand behind me is very close to my ass, well its nothing new really.

"Ok well see I let go, now can you let go?"

"I don't want to though" he says knitting his eyebrows.

I sigh, my 1000000000th of the day.

"It's not about wanting to, it's about the fact that you have been more stuck to me than a fucking fetus to its mother, it's also about the fact that we are in public, and oh yeah, it's been four hours!

I say whisper/screaming.

"But you're not my mother though", he lets out confused.


"I NEVER SAID I WAS! IT WAS AN OUTRATGEOUS COMPARISON TO AN OUTRAGEOUS SITUATION! Shoto baby I love you very much, I mean I have let you do a lot of things to me That I wouldn't normally let Anybody do, but can I have like five seconds of personal space?" I finish breathing heavily.

He blinks at my outburst, "No."

And he goes back to putting his head on my shoulder.

Detachable head my apologies, when I am done with him that's what it will be.

I stare speechless, as I see my life play out.

Man has discovered a new type of parasite, it looks very harmless, and very handsome until it lures you in, fucks you and then never lets you go. Specialists are investigating the matter.

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