Chp 38

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Bakugo's POV
I wake up to a lot of noise
People talking and walking around

For a moment I forgot where I was

As I open my eyes I see everybody
They are all spread out
Either having breakfast, watching the Tv or just walking around

I blink a couple of times and rub my eyes to wake myself up
I can feel Icyhot's hand draped around me, quite tight
I wiggle out of his embrace to stand up

As I stand up I catch the attention of everybody

" oh Kachan you're awake, I was surprised you slept so much, you are usually one of the first up." Deku says

I don't say anything
I'm still kind sleepy, and my back is hurting so much from last night
Or this morning

That damn bastard  who knew he had such a good stamina
Ok I knew
But it still surprises me sometimes

I walk slowly and my legs start to shake

You damn bitches don't give out now

" oi Bakugo are you ok, does you back hurt? Maybe you slept in a bad position yesterday" Denki says

But as I look at him, he had faint eye bags under his eyes

I can't shake off the feeling that his statement had an underlaying meaning

I raise my eyebrow and say, " nope I slept like a baby"
Yeah right
If babies slept like that
We would have teenagers with back problems

I continue walking till I reach the table and sit down

As I look at my phone is was almost 11
He really did a number on me last night
But I bet he is also tired, he is still asleep
In fact he is the only one sleeping still

" Kacchan here you go" says Deku giving me the rice with the miso soup

I only nod and get to eating
Contrary to popular belief
I was not that hungry so I just ate what I was given

When I'm almost done with my breakfast Mina catches my attention
" Todoroki is still asleep shouldn't we try and wake him up, he will miss breakfast"

" we should wake up Todoroki-San, he has been sleeping for too long, he usually doesn't sleep that much." Momo says

I just shrug and continue eating
Good luck waking that rock up
Honestly that's a job I wouldn't wish on anybody
He is seriously a handfull

" Todoroki-kun, todoroki-kun" momo says as she taps his shoulder
She looks back and Mina joins
" Todoroki oiii Todoroki if you don't wake up, we'll eat every last of the soba" that's a good strategy
But non the less he didn't wake up
Ha is he dead or something

More people join trying to wake the sleeping beauty up

" Tch you're all so bothersome, if you haven't been able to wake him yet why would you think you actually can?" I say as I continue to eat what's left of my breakfast

" Bakugo help us, maybe if you scream in his ear he will wake up, after all you got a talent for that" soy sauce face says


" see" he says and everybody laughs
Fucking extras
" actually Bakubro you might be able to wake him up" this time it was dunce face
He was looking at me with a serious face
I raise my eyebrow at him for the second time today
What's that about

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