Chp 39

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Todoroki's POV
" So are we just going to ignore what just happened?"

Mina says
I'm barely awake, I'm eating with my eyes closed

Everybody kept bothering me trying to wake me up but I was just trying to rest
But then Bakugo told me to wake up
And I told him I'll listen to him so I woke up
I started looking for him
But then I didn't see him so I got kind of worried

When I saw everybody but him my instinct kicked in and i went into over drive

But when I saw him, my souls came back to my body

I was so worried that I went and put my head on his shoulder and even kissed him

" what happened?" I asked like nothing happened

" what do you mean what, you two have always been at each other's throats and now you are putting your head on his shoulder and he is serving your breakfast?" Mina goes into detail

" Tch nothing's going on raccoon eyes" Bakugo answers with a scowl on his face

I know it must have been hard for him to have reacted that way in front of everybody

I really wish we could do that everyday

I wanna hug him

" come one Bakubae, you two couldn't even look at each other and now you're all lovey dovey?" Mina keeps pushing it

Bakugo will explode in any second

" you know what think whatever you want, we don't owe any of y'all an explanation, I'm going to take a shower" he says and stands up

He didn't deny it

I smirk as I watch him walk away
Have I said that I love him
I'm so infatuated with him it might even be considered obsession


I sigh and continue eating my breakfast with everybody still surrounding me
All of the sudden they all start laughing
When I say everyone I mean the girls
The guys looked as confused as me

" wow you were right Mina" Uraraka says laughing


" I was, now give me my money" Mina says signalizing at Jirou Momo and Uraraka

I'm so confused
Am I the only one that does get what's going on?

" wait money for what? What's going on?" Mydoria asks

" yeah what's going on" Kirishima joins

" well we bet on them going out" Mina says

My mouth hangs open at the news


" what? Who even said we were dating" I say serious trying to save
I don't know

" well are you guys not dating?"
Mina asks and I look down
Even thought I know I should say no
I can't
How can I deny
The best part of my life

" exactly, so now ladies pay up" Mina says and the others groan

Uhhh Bakugo's going to slaughter me

" wait wait wait, so Bakugo and Todoroki are daiting?" Sero asks
Looking at me
I just stare at them and turn back to my food

" he won't answer you, Bakugo would probably kill him so don't even bother" Uraraka says

She ain't wrong though

" I have an idea" Mina suddenly says and gathers the girls around

I haven't enjoyed my breakfast
and it might be my last

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