Many Scars

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Olivia jumps up from the floor and quickly walks over to Eli and takes his hand, leading him out of the room.

I gasp for air, not realising that I had been holding my breath. Slowly I bend down next to Riley "Are you ok?" I ask, still shocked by what had just happened.

"Yes I'm fine, Eli is just angry. Mum and him always got on so well, I never had anything like that with her. To be honest Eli was her favourite, he could do no wrong in her eyes." Riley sighs, lying down on the floor.

I sit down next to him. "I really am sorry, I didn't mean to cause a rift between you and your family."

Riley looks up at me and smirks. "Thank you but it's ok really. Eli and I fight all the time.. Now I just want to sleep.." Riley mumbles. His eyes droop close and within minutes he starts to snore.

I watch Riley sleep, he seems trustworthy enough. I hope I can prove myself to be trustworthy too. My eyelids start to close when Olivia enters the room, as quiet as a mouse.

She looks down at Riley and smiles softly. "Is he alright?" She asks.

It takes me a few moments before I respond "Yes, he is fine. Just a sore face, could have been alot worse." I say. Urgh! I curse myself for my stupid response.

Olivia frowns. "Eli wouldn't have done anything else. He's a good brother." She states. "They both are."

We are both silent for a few minutes, unsure what to say to each other. Olivia looks down at the floor, guilt spreading across her face. "I'm sorry about earlier..with your bag and everything.."

"Oh it's ok, it's too hard to stay mad at you. Your brother Eli on the other hand.." I laugh, quietly so not to disturb Riley.

Olivia doesn't laugh- to which I don't blame her for, my joke was pretty stupid once again- Instead she sits down in-front of me.

"How old are you?" I ask, curiously as I stare at her young features.

"I'm nine and a half." She replies, simply.

"I've got to say you're dealing with how everything is really well."

"Just because I'm younger doesn't mean I'm weak. I've had to grow up fast over these few months, I can deal with anything just as well as you can." Olivia says, frustration building in her voice.

"I know, I know! Believe me, it's clear to see how mature you are. By the way what's Eli doing?" I ask.

"He's gone to sleep as well. It's been a very long day.. I wish I could sleep too.. But I know i'll end up seeing Mum's face and I just can't take it now. I still can't believe she's gone." Olivia whispers, her bottom lip trembles.

"I miss my Mum every day.." I say quietly.

"Do you have anyone left?" She looks at me, curious.

"No. My mum was one of the first victims. She did over four months ago, my dad then died only a few weeks after." My throat starts to tighten and tears form in my eyes.

Olivia stares at me, her mouth hanging slightly open. "What about any brothers or sisters?"

A lump which feels like the size of an egg forms in my throat. "Two months ago." I say, barely any noise escapes.

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Daniel and I were going to leave town to try and find anywhere that might be better..Before we left we searched a couple of empty shops to try and find any food that might be left. In the last shop we did, in the back room. Daniel had to knock down a door to get in there but it had several crates of stale, some slightly mouldy food in it. Just as we were going through it, some man came in and started demanding that we let him have all of it. He said he had a whole family to take care of that were starving but everyone is. Daniel stood his ground, saying that he could have half but then.." I gasp for breath, tears trickle down my cheeks. "The man had a knife and.. stabbed Daniel twice. Once in the stomach and then in the chest.. Daniel dropped to the floor and blood soaked the floor.. it was everywhere. The man took as much food as he could carry as I cradled Daniel then ran away. I didn't know how to help Daniel, I stayed there with him because he couldn't move. I was so scared and alone.. Daniel became so quiet. I could barely feel his pulse. Night time was an hour away but I suddenly didn't care anymore, I prepared myself to die because I wasn't going to leave him all alone. His eyes closed but I could still feel him breathing. All of a sudden everything became cold so I knew they were close and I closed my eyes. After nothing happened I opened them and a woman was in the doorway. I couldn't see her very well because it was so dark, she walked over to me. I was so scared I just shielded myself over Daniel and hoped she would kill me instead of him. But she didn't before I could react she picked me up and put me over her shoulder then began to walk out of the shop. I tried to break free but she held on tight, she put her hand over my mouth and then ran with me over her shoulder until we reached a house. When we got inside she locked the door and then finally let me down."

"Did she go back for Daniel?" Olivia asks.

"..No she said it was too late for him.. that he was already dead."

Remembering that night I should have really been grateful to the woman for saving me but at the time all I felt was pure hatred for her that she left Daniel to die all alone. I cried all night long and refused to speak to her, she left me to be alone. She said that if I really wanted to I could go back. I didn't though.. I knew deep inside that Daniel was dead too. When morning finally came I left immediately and went back to the shop. All that was left where Daniel was last was an ernormous pool of blood and marks where they dragged him out the door.

"I'm so sorry Katherine." Olivia cries.

I hadn't realised but I had broken into fits of hysterical sobbing, Olivia hurries over and wraps her small arms around me. I try to say thank you but all that escapes my lips is another broken cry.

"Come on, lets go in the kitchen. Don't want to wake up Riley." Olivia whispers, helping me to stand and takes me out of the room.

The kitchen is extremely cold but it helps to calm me down. After a few minutes I find I can finally speak again. Olivia passes me a old bowel with a few bits of cornflake inside. "Please eat, you must be starving." she smiles.

I had completely forgotten about food until she had showed me so I gratefully ate the small meal. "Thank you so much." I know that every piece of food is to be treasured so for her to give me some, I was truly grateful. "I'm sorry about before Olivia, i've just never talked about what happened to Daniel to anyone before. It feels like a weight has been taken off my chest that I finally told someone his story."

"Don't worry, I understand." Olivia says. "I'll be right back." She disappears from the kitchen and I hear her footsteps go up the stairs.

I feel overcome with exhaustion and curl up on the kitchen floor. Which is a hard, stony surface but feels as soft as a cloud now. I'm barely conscious when Olivia returns with a blanket and gently drapes it over me before I drift into the welcoming darkness.

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