Seed Of Doubt

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We walk for hours and don't find any towns or signs of life at all, I start to get really worried and so do the others. As it's winter it is getting darker earlier which gives us even less time to find somewhere.

"We need to find shelter now." I say, Riley agrees with me.

Eli huffs loudly, Jennifer tugs at his hand. "Just ignore her." She whispers, her eyes flashing to me before snapping back.

"Excuse me?" I say, shocked.

"I wasn't talking to you." She smiles, fakely whilst rolling her eyes. 

"I don't care, we are suppose to be working together."

"Well that's not the rule you two seem to be going by." Eli snaps, he stops walking and turns to me and Riley.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Riley asks, preparing himself for another argument.

"You're my brother yet you've been siding with her on every bloody decision! She's a stranger but you go with her instead of me! I've had enough of it." Eli shouts, stepping closer to Riley.

"Please don't fight!" Olivia cries, standing in between them both.

"Your just as bad as him." Eli snaps at Olivia, pushing her to the side which makes her fall to the ground.

Tears gush from her eyes, Eli doesn't even notice and Riley starts to shout at him. Olivia's face suddenly hardens, she stands and brushes her self off. Before I can even react she begins running away from us all.

"Olivia! Come back!" I scream.

She doesn't turn, she just increases her speed. I turn to Riley and shake him roughly. "Stop fighting! Olivia is running away!" I shout.

"What?" Riley snaps, not hearing what I said.

"Olivia is running away you idiot!"

Riley's eyes bulge as dark clouds cover the skies as it begins to rain. Olivia screams and runs into the woods as a massive morte lupo chases after her, howling in glee.

We all run after her but as we reach the edge of the woods another one jumps in front of us out of the shadows. Eli takes out his rifle and starts shooting one after the other at it, each time he hits the thing it doesn't even cry. It just absorbs the bullets, it opens its mouth revealing the large canines and its long tongue.

"Run!!" I scream and we all sprint into the forest past it as it lunges for Eli.

Without even thinking I begin to climb a tree, once I even begin to get high I don't dare stop, I only glance behind me to see that the others are doing the same. I get as high up on the tree as I possible can, then I stop and sit on a branch clinging to the trunk so I don't fall. My heart threatens to explode out of my chest. I take Riley's hand to help him sit too, Eli and Jennifer are on the tree next to us. We all look below us as the mutated wolf tries to jump up the tree. It throws its head back and lets out a ear splitting howl. Within seconds another three of them appear below, the red eyes the only thing visible in the darkness. The largest one snarls at us, it jumps high and grips on to the tree that Riley and I are on. Its teeth snap at us just trying to get our flesh, thankfully it seems we are just out of its reach. It drops back to the ground and runs out of the woods, the others linger waiting below. Hoping that we will fall, they wine eagerly.

We wait for hours, it gets so dark I can't even see Eli and Jennifer in the other tree. "Are you still there?" I call, quietly.

"Yes, now shut up." Eli snarls out of the darkness.

So we continue to wait in the trees, waiting for the sun to rise. "Olivia." I whisper to Riley. His eyes tighten, "I know." He whimpers, covering his face with his hand. I struggle to fight exhaustion as we continue to wait for the sun, I find myself slipping and then Riley gives me a hard kick.

"Hold on." He whispers, "Shouldn't be long now."

And he's right, the sun has begun to rise. I sigh in relief as the evil creatures below realise and reluctantly slip further into the darkness of the woods. We wait for several minutes before we climb back down and drop to the ground.

"Olivia!" We yell, splitting off in two's to find her.

Riley and I go together, calling her name out every few seconds. Panic growing as time goes on. "I don't know what ill do if she's.. if she's" Riley crumples to the floor.

"Come on Riley, You have to be strong. She could still be alive." I say, looking around.

My heart drops as several yards ahead I see a large pool of blood. "Riley stay there." I say, even though he barely hears me. Too overcome with crippling grief already.

I quickly run over and pray that it isn't her blood. Then I see her, lieing on her back on the dirty forest floor. Her skin white as snow and blood oozing out of the deep holes in her stomach.

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