Hide and seek

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Remember those stories you were told as a small child, perhaps by an older sibling or friend? Ones about creatures that lurk in the shadows just waiting to attack. They were told to terrify us and it would work. Sometimes you would lay awake in bed afraid to fall asleep, then a parent would calm you down and assure you that in no way were the stories real. You would then relax, trusting your parent's words. That's how things used to be, but only too late now have we realised those scary stories are very much alive.

I sit just below the window, with my arms wrapped around my knees to try and stay warm. It makes no difference as I can clearly see each breath I make in the darkness and have lost almost all feeling in my toes. I desperately need the bathroom but I don't dare get up, they are near. I can sense them. Their presence is like a horrible feeling of not being able to breathe and even the blood inside your body feels cold. Any movement or noise now would be suicide. However, to my horror I hear someone yelling outside. I lower my head, as I know what’s going to happen next.

"Please help? Anyone!" a female voice screams. Nothing but silence is what returns her pleas from the houses. Including my own. "Don't just leave me out here! You're all heartless! You hear me!?" she shrieks.

I'm almost tempted to peek outside, maybe there is time to help her. My brother's words of warning ring in my head about helping others but I move to get up anyway when I hear their howls and I freeze. They have found their next victim, there isn't any time to save her. I hear the woman scream and I know she's running. The sound of tearing flesh comes within seconds. The woman begs for mercy, a large snap of what is presumably her spine is what follows. I didn't even have time to cover my ears from the terrible sound. They were quick with her for some reason. They let out a howl again, almost like laughter before they disappear and silence returns. It scares me that whoever that woman was, her life was all over in a matter of minutes. That's how powerful they are. I think about looking outside to see what's left of her but I don't, I know that if the situation was in reverse I wouldn't want her to see me. Surprisingly I am able to fall asleep but I wake several times in the night and whenever I do I am left thinking about her family and friends. Wondering if they are still alive or worried about her.

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