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Devyn's POV
I hear someone enter my bedroom, I look at the door. I see Jake and with Reggie behind the Camera, I whisper without trying to wake Corey up. "What are you doing?" "Oh shit, uhmm....were trying to prank Corey." I slowly get out of the bed and say, "Just keep me out of it." I rub my eyes and grab a robe from my closet. I leave while putting up my hair into a ponytail. I walk downstairs into the kitchen and hear Corey scream and then laugh, "What the hell Jake!!!???" I giggle and see Tara. She asks, "Woke you up with there prank?" "Kind of....why are you awake?" "We just got home from the store." "Its like 3am" "Yeah, prank idea." "Right. Not heading to bed?" "Will do when hes ready too." "Ahhh, I get it." I open the fridge and grab me a water as Tara and I continued to talk.
Corey's POV
"WHAT THE HELL JAKE!!" Jake and Reggie laugh as they point the camera in my face. After a while of laughing we all walk downstairs, I see Devyn and say, "You let me get pranked?" She makes a cute face, I cant be mad at her. I wrap my arms behind her and kiss her on the cheek. I see Tara and Jake laughing and making jokes about me and my reaction on their camera. I say to Jake, "Ill get you back!" "No you wont!"
I hear people laughing and talking downstairs. I close the door and lock it, I hear colby ask in his sleepy voice "Everything okay?" "Yeah, everyones just really loud. Woke me up." "Im sorry still liking being in LA?" "Yeah, I cant believe its only been a week since well, Ive been here." "Yeah, but now we can do what we want to do." "Yeah, we can be us. Finally live." He and I hold hands, he pulls me into him holding me in his arms. He asks, "So, ive been wanting ro talk to you about something?" "Okay, what is it?" "Ive been wondering what your thought is about us having a family together?" A family? Now? I get nervous and say, "What about it?" "I was wondering if we'd ever get to that point...and get married, everything together." "Of course. I wouldn't even be dating you if i didn't." "I know, I just been thinking while I was on the trip with Elton and the guys." "Oh, well yeah. Of course I would love to with you. Your my future baby." He and I kiss passionately. I feel a huge headache just hit me. I say, "I dont feel too well..." "Are you okay? You've been throwing up and you almost fainted the other day." "Yeah, its like its here one second then gone." "Yeah...well, come on. Lets try to go back to sleep. And baby?" "Yeah?" "I love you" "I love you too babe" we go back to sleep.
In the Afternoon - Y/N's POV
I woke up to Colby singing in the bathroom, What the hell? I giggle and get up. I see him dancing and singing with a towel wrapped around his waist, clearly showing he just took a shower. He sees me and says, "Morning Beautiful." "Morning, Mike Posner" he chuckles, and says "You know the song, Cooler than me?" "You bet your ass I do." "Are you cooler than me?" "Maybe" I tilt my imaginary glasses and lean on the doorway while winking at him. He and I chuckle as he approaches me and says, "God damn are you sexy." "No, im just cooler than you." We kiss as he holds behind my neck. I say, "So what you got going on today?" "Im actually going to do a video with Sam today. Theres apparently an abandoned mill somewhere around that sam found and well you know us." "Yes, I do. Please, be careful. Both of you." "We will, Elton and Corey are going to be joining us too." "All of you better be careful." "We will baby, dont worry." I hug him as he hugs me back. He kisses the top of my head and says, "You got anything planned today?" "No, probably going to see if someone wants to hang out." "Alright, well you be sade too alright." "I will." "I love you." "I love you too." We kissed eachother and he finished putting clothes on. I start getting ready and feel pretty good today.
Y/N's Outfit

I look in the mirror and say, "Its a little different from going all out like usual or before but, Im not really in the mood to do make up right now

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I look in the mirror and say, "Its a little different from going all out like usual or before but, Im not really in the mood to do make up right now....maybe some eyeliner and mascara." I do my eyeliner and Mascara, better. I brush my teeth and see Colby walk in, he says "We're about to leave so I wanted to give you a kiss again." "Awh, I love you." We kiss, he says "I love you too princess." We kiss again and again til I hear sam in the bedroom say "Colby! Come on, we got to go if we want to edit this video on time." "Coming!" We kiss again and he and I walk out. Sam looks at me and says, "Dont worry, Ill have him home before 10." We all laugh as we all walk downstairs. I see them leave, I grab my keys and phone, as well as my wallet from the kitchen. I see everyone keys gone, Im the only one here? great so everyone left me today. I make me some eggs and toast. As im cooking I call Noen Eubanks, "Hello?" "Hey y/n, whats up?" "You want to hang out today? Everyone left me out of their plans and im bored." "Alright, you want me to pick you up or?" "Ill head over there, nothing here to do." "Alright, ill see you in a bit" "See ya" I hang up the phone and put it in my back pocket. I finished cooking my food and put it on a plate. I walk to the table and eat my food.
An Hour Later
I pull up to Noen's house, I see him waving me down in front of it. I wave back and park, I exit my car and lock my car. I walk up to him as he gives me a huge hug, "How you been?" he asked. "Good, well kind of." "I seen your picture the other day, you looked hella hot in it" " Thank you, I needed a little photoshoot for myself...was feeling low about myself for the past couple days and well, my friends wanted to help me." "Awh! Thats so sweet, come on. Lets go inside where it doesnt feel like 100° out." "Thats sounds great, I was blasting my A/C all the way here." "I dont blame you." We laugh as we walk inside the house. I sit on his couch, he sits next to me. He says, "You been feeling alright?" "Ive been getting these weird sick symptoms." "What sick symptoms?" "I dont even know, like illusions??? And ive been throwing up and fainting-" "Y/N, that sounds serious, that cant be like a cold." "I know but like I feel fine now, haven't felt even the slightest of sickness-" "Whens the last time you...uhm- well..." "What?" "Are you on birth control?" "Yeah, why?- Wait! You dont think im pregnant do you?" "It kinda sounds like it" I went completely silent. He said, "Do you think-" "No! Well- I dont know!" "You want to get a pregnancy test?" "Noone can see me though" I dont want this getting out to the media if im not... "I can go buy you one real quick if you want, you can stay here." "Really? Youd do that?" "Yeah, I wouldn't want you to be unprepared if you are- you know...pregnant." "Yeah, thank you Noen...your the best." "Well, I am your best friend so I wouldn't do anything less." "Thank you" I hug him, he hugs me back. He taps my back and says, "Okay now, let me go and buy you a test." "Okay, dont be too long please." "Itll be quick, I swear. Dont need your heading spinning off cause I know you stress too much." "Thank you." He grabs his keys, he says, "You know this already but this is your home too. Feel free to watch tv, eat, drink- well, maybe not that since you dont know if know." "Yeah." He leaves and locks the door on the outside, I go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, Am I? Could I be pregnant? I take my shirt off and look at myself in the mirror, I look at my tummy. Is there a baby in me? I heard the door open, I put my shirt infront of me. "IM IN HERE!" "I know, Im not looking in there, I just wanted to say please, dont overthink too much about it. Okay?" "I wont." "Your already looking at your stomach aren't you?" "Maybe..." "Y/n-" "Yeah?" "Your beautiful alright, I know how you are about your body....dont think its the end of the world if you are pregnant...And im pretty sure that your friends, especially me will be there to help you every bit of the way." "Thank you Noen, can I have another hug before you go get it?" He opens the door and see me, Hes seen me in a bikini before theres really no difference especially from some of the clothes I wore. He and I hug, he rubs my back and says, "Okay, now ill go get the test." "Okay." He leaves, for real this time. Hes always makes sure that Im in a good state of mind. Hes always got my back when I need it before I even know if I need it...I feel sick all of sudden and sit on the floor from how nauseous I felt....Am I really pregnant?

we were all happy once (y/n x colby brock)Where stories live. Discover now