"Miss, did something bad happened?" Vivian asked as she walked towards her

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" she replied

Vivian didn't probe any further seeing that Herain has no intention on telling her, she just silently stayed by her side

2 days later, Elayne visited White Wisteria

"Where is Herain?" she asked to Vivian

"Miss Herain has been staying in her room all the time and she only comes out when it's meal time" Vivian worriedly stated

"Did the president do something to her after she came back?" Elayne asked

"The president did not allow Miss Herain to step out of White Wisteria but I'm more worried with the Miss" Vivian stated

"Ever since she came back, she never smiled once even when I bought her favorite deserts she didn't react at all" she added

"He did not allow her to go out?" Elayne asked

"Yes and the president even hired more security guards so White Wisteria is more stricter in letting anyone in" she explained

"No wonder they asked for my personal information" Elayne stated

"They must have informed the president by now that you are here" Vivian replied

"Can I go see her?" Elayne hastily asked

Vivian guided Elayne towards Herain's room as she knocked on her door

"Miss, Secretary Elayne has come to see you" Vivian stated

"Can I come in?" Elayne politely asked

Herain uttered a small sound of approval and the both of them slowly entered the room

Herain was playing games on her laptop as she calmly said "Why are you here?"

"May I talk to you for a minute?" Elayne asked

Herain paused her game and looked at Elayne as she said "What is it?"

Elayne walked towards her as she asked "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Herain calmly gaze at her as she asked "Have you visited your mother?, Is she doing well?"

Elayne was surprised by her unexpected response as she shook her head and said "I haven't"

"Then, can you visit her and be kind to her in my stead?" Herain asked

"Why are you being like this?, I was partly to blame that you were violated by the president" Elayne exclaimed

"Because you stood up for me, those persons gave you the aphrodisiac" she added

Upon hearing this, Vivian was in a total shocked and it dawned to her the reason why Herain's white sheets was stained with blood

"I'm sure you didn't mean for this to happen" Herain replied

"How can you be so sure that I didn't wish for this to happen?!, I see you as my enemy" Elayne exclaimed once more

Herain stood up from her seat and gently pat Elayne's head as she said "Because I know you are not an evil person, everyone tries hard for the one they love and I do too"

Elayne's tears uncontrollably fell down her face as she hang her head down and said "Why didn't we just became normal friends"

"You can be my friend if you want to" Herain stated

Elayne's eyes tears up once more and she embraced Herain and said "I'm sorry"

Herain patted her back as she said "You don't have to apologize, you haven't done anything wrong"