Chapter 36

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After having a long conversation with her nanny, Herain held her hand as she bid goodbye

"Be careful on your way nanny, I promise I'll bring everything back to the way it used to be" Herain uttered with a smile

"Young Miss, your safety and happiness is what matters the most" her nanny replied as she gave Herain an embrace before leaving

‘Herain is such a lucky girl to have a nanny she can trust despite her being such a hot headed woman’ Herain thought to herself

"I have nothing left to do today, should I go have lunch with my boyfriend?" Herain mumbled under her breath

Just then, her phone suddenly rang a call and it was from Harold

She answered the call and asked "What is it?"

There was a moment of silence before Harold replied saying "It's nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice"

Herain's face cracked as she thought ‘What's with that?!, that's too adorable’

"Did you already have lunch?" Harold asked with nervousness apparent on his voice

‘I know where this is going’ Herain sighed at the thought

"I haven't had lunch yet" Herain replied with honesty

"Then, do you want to have a lunch with me?" Harold asked

"If not, do you want me to deliver your lunch to you?" he added

Herain laughed as she said "If you're going to ask me then at least be confident about it, you're making me out as a cruel woman if I won't go to you"

"That's not what I mean" Harold hastily replied

Herain smiled as she said "I know"

Herain gazed at the sky as she asked "So where do you want to eat for lunch?"

"At Golden Arch, I'll meet you there" Harold happily replied

‘Wait!, that is the high class restaurant owned by Rhaveir and the first place I had a date with him’ Herain thought to herself

"Umm should we choose another restaurant that you like?" Herain immediately uttered

"But Herain only likes to eat at high class restaurants so I don't want to take you somewhere not on your preference" Harold replied

‘How picky can this woman be?!’ Herain complained at the thought

"Alright, but is it alright with you if I came with my manager disguise?" Herain asked

‘I know Rhaveir is very busy in his company but let's eliminate the small chances of suddenly bumping into him there while being with another man’ she thought to herself

"I'm alright with anything as long as you're with me" Harold shyly replied

‘Is this man always this straightforward?, as far as the memory in my head tells me he is just someone Herain argues a lot’ she thought

After the call ended, Herain put on her Felisha disguise then went to the Golden Arch

After arriving inside the huge and gorgeous Golden Arch, Herain was still amaze even after seeing it already once with Rhaveir

‘With this kind of getup, I feel out of place in here’ Herain thought to herself

Upon seeing Herain, Harold immediately walked towards her with a smile on his face

"You came" Harold happily stated

Herain looked at Harold who was dressed handsomely

Harold wore a black suit with his hair nicely combed back paired with a bright smile that can shook a woman's heart