Chapter 37

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"Why are you back?" Jax uttered as he crossed his arm

"You made it sound like you don't want me back, weren't you mad when I suddenly went out on a vacation" Jax's manager replied

"Not really, the replacement manager was more capable than you" Jax calmly stated

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'll be the one managing you from now on" the manager responded

"Where is she now?" Jax asked

"I don't know, why would you ask?" the manager replied

"Well isn't she supposed to be your replacement for 3 months" Jax calmly stated

"I guess so, maybe she found a stable job she can work for life" the manager replied

‘Even I don't understand why she suddenly called me in the middle of my vacation telling me that she'd quit the job when she promised me a 3 months break with money’ the manager thought

"With your attitude, I can actually understand why" the manager mumbled

Jax opened his phone and made a call to Herain but it was not answered

"Get me her resume" Jax stated

Meanwhile, Herain was currently at the Vergara Mansion disguised as a maid

‘To make sure no one would suspect, I even wore the Felisha makeup’ Herain thought to herself

"It's still the same as in my memory, good thing those two are lazy enough to do some renovation" Herain mumbled under her breath

"Young Miss, I'll distract the other maids so you can take your time" Nanny Ririko stated with a smile

Herain nodded her head then stealthily went upstairs to Cory's room

As she entered her room, Herain looked around then walked towards Cory's desk

Herain smirked as she uttered "Careless woman, you're making things easy for me"

Herain opened Cory's laptop that was placed on her desk

Herain's lips curved up as soon as she was done using Cory's laptop

Afterwards she placed the audio recorder under her desk

Then got out of her room, she strode towards the room across and entered inside

"If I remember correctly, this is Aunt Lucy's room" she mumbled as she placed the last remaining audio recorder inside her night lamp

"If my father didn't have a mistress or an illegitimate child then life would have been much easier" Herain uttered with a sigh

Just then, the door to the room suddenly opened

"What is a maid doing in my room alone?" Lucy stated as she walked closed to Herain

"I'm a new maid madam and I was told to clean the second floor" Herain uttered as she politely bowed her head

"I didn't know my daughter was getting a new maid, anyway you can clean my room later so go out" Lucy casually stated as she walked to her bed

"Yes madam" Herain replied then walked out

As soon as Herain got down, Nanny Ririko immediately walked towards her

"Young Miss, how was it?" her nanny asked

"I have done it although Aunt Lucy saw me in her room but it should be fine since she didn't recognize me" Herain replied

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