Chapter 13

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Camila's POV

I was walking up the steps, fully aware that Lauren was inches behind me, following me to my room.

I was also aware that she was slightly drunk, and that she said, in all the letters, that she wouldn't touch me. What surprised me was, the fact that I almost wished it was a lie.

I opened the door, she stepped right behind me. When I walked in, lock the door, turned around and face her.

Lauren had already flung herself face down on my bed, and if I didn't knew any better, I'd say she might be dead.

I went to bed and took off her shoes, with difficulty, I pulled her body up so that her feet weren't left off the bed.

I silently thanked her when she noticed my struggle and got up, crawling up to put her head on one of the pillows. I sat next to her, at the level of headboard.

I remained silently admiring her, something that I was used to do now. After a while, she opened her eyes and looked at me. When she realized that I was looking at her, she closed her eyes quickly.

When she repeated the same action for the third time, I couldn't help but laugh.

I picked up the book that was on my nightstand next to me, opening a random page and pretending to read with interest.

Lauren sighed once more.

Then she moved, sighing harder.

Then she scoffed, rolling over completely in bed, while I continued to seemingly immersed in reading, trying very hard not to laugh.

She looked like a child trying to get attention, and that was both so funny and cute that I had to restrain myself from throwing the book away and hugging her like I did a few minutes ago.

I envisioned a three-year-old Lauren making the same pout and I was sure she was an absurdly spoiled child, 'cause it was humanly impossible for anyone to deny something to that "I-need-attention" face.

Seeing that she wasn't succeeding with her strategy, Lauren lost her patience and carelessly pushed my legs away and fell flat between them, resting her head on my neck and placing both hands on the sides of my thighs. Even after that, she continued to pretend that she was sleeping.

I couldn't hold back my laugh.

—"What are you laughing at?"—She asked me.

—"At you!"—I said, finally closing the book and leaving my hands free to run through her hair again.

She snorted.

—"You're not paying attention to me."—She said, like a little spoiled brat.

—"Don't be silly."—I said, still smiling.

She rolled over on her back, taking off her blouse and tossing it aside. Afterwards, she returned to her original position between my legs.

I wasn't one of those people who'll drool looking at someone all the time, and I also found certain comments that I heard from the other girls about some clients that frequented The Hills very inappropriate, but I had to admit it, with all the letters.

The woman who was now wearing only a dress pants and a black bra, lying on the top of me, was absurdly beautiful.

—""Do you exercise?"— I asked.

— "I practice Muay Thai and I go to the gym whenever I have time. And you?"

—"No, nothing.—I answered sheepishly—I'd rather sleep."

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