I saw someone running through the heavy  rain, making their way to one of the covered tables on the opposite side of the park.

I smiled for no reason.

The woman, as I was able to notice, removed her leather coat and swing her wet hair like a wet dog.

I returned my eyes to the book in front of me, and continued reading. A few minutes later my cell phone emitted a faint and dying sound, warning me that the battery had run out.

-"Good. Peace at last."—I said softly.

-"I agree."

I was startled to hear the voice speaking immediately behind me, deep enough for not to be covered by the loud noise of the rain.

It was a female voice.

A beautiful, a little raspy and powerful voice.

That kind of voice that you imagine a pretty woman has, and because of the fact that I've been thinking about that voice five times every five minutes. I didn't need to turn around to know  whom was the woman that was less than a feet away from me.

Yet, I turned around, looking into those beautiful emerald eyes.

She was soaking from head to toe and carried a completely wet and mushy rolled up magazine in one hand and her coat in the other.

Normally, when I was surprised, I took a while to formulate a sentence. In that case I had just been surprised by Lauren, which increased my incapability to say something coherent.

Because Lauren naturally dazzled me, taking me by surprise or not.

—"You...what...—I tried to clear out my throat—what are you doing here?"—I asked her.

—"I could ask you the same question. This is a bit far from where you live."—She retorted.

—"I wanted to leave...to read a little...get away."


I still didn't knew what she was doing there. I didn't believe in coincidences, much less in fate.

-"What are you doing here?"—I repeated.

—"Well, I went to the newsstand to buy a magazine, and then the sky collapsed over my head. So I crossed the street and came running here. I stayed under that place on the other side of the park and I saw you. At least, I thought i saw someone like you, but I couldn't be sure. So I came to check, and here I am."

Lauren ended her speech with an contagious crooked smile.

I sighed.

—"Do you live around here?"—I asked her.

-"I live two blocks from here. I can see this entire park from the balcony of my flat."

And saying that, she pointed to a impressive white building, the tallest one on our left.

-"Let me guess. Do you live on the deck?"


I smiled lowering my head.

So she was a rich woman.

-"Can I sit down here?"—She asked me.


I removed my bag from the bench next to me, giving her space. She sit down and bringing up a random subject.

—"So...a rainy Saturday. That's shitty, right?"

My Sweet Prostitute                 (English Translation) Where stories live. Discover now