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A few weeks maybe even months after dream visited his sister for the first time since she woke up.
Everything felt weirdly normal and safe. His friendship grew bigger with Tommy and Toby or just Tubbo as he started to call him. Even though he still felt like Tommy didn't like him at all.
Zak and Bad keep flirting as always. Dream still waits till they confess their love to each other.
And a lot of practice has happened and here Dream was, standing in front of the show poster, which was right next to the hospital. They were gonna have their first Hamilton show the next day.

"Finally after so much practice, I can't wait for Drista to see it"

Dream smiled softly behind his mask
He got interrupted by some screaming. He turned around and saw Tommy and Tubbo.

"Hey Dream!"

"Oh hey Tubbo"

"Tommy say hi"
Tubbo looked angrily at Tommy

"Hello Dream."

"Hello Tommy."

"Anyway, what are you doing here Dream?"
Tubbo looked at him with a friendly smile just as always

"I'm looking at our show poster, we sat them up a little while ago"

Tubbo walks over to the poster
"Thursday, Saturday, Wednesday and Friday"


"Wait is it this Thursday aka tomorrow?!"
Tubbo looks in shock at Dream and Tommy

Tommy smiles weirdly at him while Dream nods

"Tommy can we please go watch the show?"


"Please! Quackity gave us free tickets to the show!"

Tommy looks over at Tubbo
"Don't you dare to do the eyes"

Tubbo stares at Tommy with his puppy eyes


"Ugh fine"
Tommy angrily rolls his eyes


"Yeah, yeah whatever"
Even tho Tommy deep inside wanted to go there by himself to see his friend Dream perform. He just didn't want to admit it.

"Anyway Dream, me and Tommy will be sitting in the front row! On the tickets it says that we get two seats in the front row! We need to go now though, bye!!"


Tubbo looks with a death glare at Tommy

"Bye Dream."

"Bye Tommy."

As the boys went further in the town Dream could still hear them a bit

"Look Tommy it's a bee plushie, and a cute cow plushie! I'll go buy them, wanna come with me?"


Dream knew that at that moment Tommy smiled a huge bright smile

Anyway I was here to visit Drista in the first place I should go inside the hospital

Dream walks inside the shining white hospital

"Puffy hello!"

"I told you not to call me that but okay"
The receptionist looked angrily a Dream
"Anyway visiting your sister, right?"

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