The show

280 13 1

Tw! Child abuse, fainting!

Dream POV
It's starting soon. Just In a few minutes. His first Hamilton show. He always feels so stressed when he has a new performance

"Are you okay Dream? You look a bit stressed"
Bad looks with a worrying look at Dream

"Yeah I'm good, and you?"

"I'm kinda stressed out. I need to wear a dress in front of such a big crowd"

"It's okay bad that's not the worst part of your act"

"Well what's the worst part theeeen"

Bad looks over to his friend Zak who now sat and glared at him with a smirk
Before Dream got to answer Zak went over to them and kissed bad gently on the lips.
Badboyhalo was in shock and it took a few seconds before he realised what's going on, he pulled Zak away

Bad waved his hand and his face was red and sweaty

"No need to be angryyyyy I'm gonna do it again anyway during the show"

Bad gets even more flustered

As Zak tries to calm bad down Alex tells everyone to get ready because the show starts in about three minutes

"Are there many people?"

"Yeah quite a lot to be honest"
Alex looks over to face Dream as they talk

"You sure it's fine that I wear my mask? I don't wanna ruin the show or anything"

"It's fine don't worry, I'm sure the audience will love it!"


"And also some of our past audience came back today and asked if the masked person would play again! So people love you Dream, you're mysterious and people love your acting skills!"

"Well that's good"

Dreams thoughts went crazy, he didn't really like performing new shows or just perform in general.
But Alex was so nice to allow Dream wear his mask as other jobs wouldn't let him that.
As Alex said some people from the audience found it interesting
And the job itself wasn't that bad, just practice and then have a show.
And Dream didn't really have a problem with talking loud in front of people, he just wasn't a big fan of performing

Then it happened the red curtains were shoved aside
The show was about to begin

George POV


The show was about to begin and everything went quiet
The room went pitch dark and the scene lighted up
The show now started
Nothing special was going on, he watched movies about Hamilton on the internet and it wasn't really much different

Later in the show a character got shown, the boy catched his eyes
He wore a white smiley mask
So familiar

He stared at the white masked boy
It seemed like they got eye contact, George couldn't stare back and later on everything went black

Well you guessed it.
He woke up in a completely different place
Even though he knew that this was just one of his flash back, he knew he couldn't just wake up by himself
He stood up and observed the area

He was standing in what he assumed was some teenage boy room, he looked around it
He saw some pictures on the walls, he couldn't see the pictures clearly, they were blurry
What he could see though was that they were mostly pictures of two-three people on them
He could see clout glasses, very similar or maybe the same ones he took with him
The white smiley face mask and the panda shirt
He knew that it was him, sapnap and Dream

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