You chose for George to run away with Sapnap - 1

228 6 2

Tw! swearing, drugging, fighting

George-ish PoV:

"I'm really sorry Dream, but after hearing about all the things you've done. Apparently killing a clone thinking it's Technoblade. I really can't trust you, can I? Your intentions were truly just to kill Technoblade"

"No George please stay with me, we'll get out together!"

George looked over at Dream and saw Dreams desperate smile along with a shaking hand pointing towards the brown haired male

"Goodbye, I'll take care of your sister don't worry"
George let out a soft smile knowing that it will be his last one towards Dream

"I-I don't know what to s-say after all we've been through, y-you j-just leave me here like th-this? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

George really didn't want Dreams last words toward him to be "I hate you" but he really didn't expect a happier or more positive response anyway
George grabbed Sapnap's hand and the taller male unlocked the door. They quickly left.

Ranboo-ish PoV:

What to do, what to do, what to do- I can't just stand here, of course I can't. I know what I'll do, I'll help one of them. But who, which one. And who's the bad one h-here.

Ranboo's mind went crazy about which one he should help out.

Okay Technoblade forced me to all this, and it was quite terrifying. He is also a murderer but should I really leave his side for this, they'll probably kill him anyway...
Dream on the other hand, he only wants revenge I assume.

If I help Dream to take down Technoblade and let him go what will he do to me or the others-
But if I end up helping Technoblade to take down Dream will he still make me do all these bad things?

Option A: Help out Dream
Option B: Help out Technoblade

Option A
Tw! Fighting, a bit gore (I think so ye lol)

Ranboo took one of his knifes out of his pocket and threw it over to Dream
"Sorry Techno, but I'm with him"

"Oh a little traitor I see"
Technoblade let out a small laugh

"And Dream only use the knife if needed okay? Please don't kill Techno"
Ranboo didn't want anyone to die, but he only gave Dream a knife because he knew how Technoblade was quite strong and talented when it came to fighting.

Dream and Technoblade fought for quite a while, neither of them used a knife which made Ranboo smile a bit as he didn't really enjoy the smell nor the look of blood
A few punches here and there, some kicking.
Dream did ended the fight with a hard kick in Technoblade's head, the blond male laughed as the taller pink haired male fell on the ground unconscious.
Technoblade's body was full of bruises, especially his face, there was quite a lot of blood even though it didn't look like any knives were involved
Ranboo got goosebumps by looking at Technoblade's unconscious body

Dream ended up with a black eye and some bruises but he was still standing and smiling as if nothing ever happened

"Great, I don't know if he's dead or not but I have to do some other things."

Dream smirked, an evil little smile, it made Ranboo shiver a bit

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have agreed to his plan in the first place, but h-he would have just killed me right away, I'm so sorry, please forgive m-me"
Ranboo begged Dream for forgiveness and apologised multiple times as he knew that he shouldn't have helped Technoblade out.

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