Date it is then

274 14 12

Tw! Mention of kidnapping?

They step in the chimiken fila and get greeted instantly by a cashier

"Hello! I'm Ranboo, do you guys know already what you want or do you want to look at the menu?"

"We'll check out the menu!"
George said while smiling a friendly smile at the teenager

It made Dream smile

"So Dream is there anything you want on the menu?"
George poked Dream

"Yeah I guess I'll just take the chicken sandwich"

"Okay! We'll take two chicken sandwiches then!"

"Okay that'll be 8$"

Dream steps in front of George and pays

"Hey! I could've paid myself"

"I mean I felt like paying so I did so"

"Ugh fine"
George did his classic eye roll

They both went over to a table and sat down

George grabbed Dream's hand, it felt so warm and soft

They didn't say anything, they just sat there holding hands, and waiting for their food

"I guess I'll call it a date then"
Dream smirked at George

But before he could get a response from George his head felt heavy, he felt dizzy, before he knew it, it all went black

"Hello? Anyone there"
Dream yelled but nothing came out of it, or at least so he thought

"Oh hello Dream"

"What where is your voice coming from"

"I'm coming from you. You probably wonder where you are"

"Yeah, I'm really confused"

"You are in your own mind Dream"

"What. But if you are coming from my own mind why don't you sound like me?"

"I don't know, you are the one who should know"


"I mean you yourself make me sound differently"

"I mean you sound familiar, but it's not my voice"

"Oh I know I sound familiar"

"Familiar but in a bad way"

"So who do I sound like Dream? Who do I sound like?"

Dream saw a quick flash of Technoblade

"You sound like, l-like Technoblade..."

"I guess I do, haha"

A flash of him killing Technoblade got shown

"Why did you even kill him in the first place, he didn't deserve it"

"What? He tried to kill me, I had to do what I had to"

"But had you thought about what happened before he tried to kill you? Did you think of the reason he tried to kill you Dream. You could've talked it off, but you decided to kill him, it's your own decision."

"Well I- I don't know why he tried to kill me, he got involved in some illegal stuff"

"Yes he did get involved in some illegal stuff but but wasn't a part of him wanting to kill you. It's not that hard to figure out why he wanted to kill you Dream, just think."

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