Reyna's Diary

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August 18

I was in the only safe place for people like me. At the dining forum of Camp Jupiter.

All around me demigods were celebrating our victory, cheering, laughing, enjoying themselves for the first time in many days. In any other case, I would've shut them off or would've left the place, I wasn't really a fan of crowds and parties, but this day was different. They all have been through so much, lost so many loved ones that they deserved a little bit of time without the constant thinking of dying or saving the world and I thought.....I deserved it too.
We mourned for Christiana-daughter of Venus, Ari-daughter of Mars, Liam- son of Ceres and a hundred other fallen demigods who gave their life for us to see this day, to celebrate our victory against Krios. A blond hair appeared at a corner and some kids surrounded him, for the heat of a moment I thought it was Jason, but when he turned I saw the anemic face of Octavian- a legacy of Apollo. When I tried to hear what was going on, I found that he was giving a speech or something. How noble of him (insert sarcasm here).
"And as you've seen, I stated the correct way to slay Krios. Although if Reyna'd listened to me since the beginning it would have been easier. Never mind. Three cheers to me everybody! As  Apollo stated, I am once again considered as the saviour of Rome"

"Then why were you inside your protective magic bubble the whole time, Octavian?" Leila mocked. Brave girl.

"And remember the time you saw Krios and tripped over your toga while running away real fast?" Jacob added

"How dare you treating me like that puny son of Vulcan!"

All around me, half-bloods started laughing and I couldn't help but cracked a smile. Rather amused than afraid of Octavian's stupidity. 

Fauns were continuing their marathon of devouring food, a bunch of Mercury kids were pickpocketing some coins from a dude. I pretended I saw nothing until a voice behind me spoke, "Congratulations"

I turned around to be faced to face with Jason Grace, the son of Jupiter, saviour of Rome. It took all my self-control not to fix my hair, or check my reflection. You are not a child of venus. I told myself. I do every time he's around me but my heart doesn't listen, does it? I heard him saying "The world is safe Ms. Prayetor" as I felt it thumping hard on my ribcage.
"You did it" He smiled at my response and I could swear he never looked more
"We all did it. For the hundredth time at least"
"Hey if it wasn't for you the entire army of dracaenas would never be distracted."
"Really? and I suppose that giant didn't fall by himself. Someone must've hit him with a bolt of lightning." The face of the monster as Jason killed it will be in my mind, forever.
"And what about the time when you hit the manticore right in his bifurcare" I doubled over laughing. It's become harder to maintain a neutral expression the more Jason's around me. He makes me smile, laugh, forget that I have the responsibility of an entire camp even if for a moment. 
Mid-laugh I noticed Jason's staring at me, with his pretty eyes that hold so much soothes. His pierced gaze born upon mine with an emotion I couldn't immediately place so I coughed nervously. He came near me and took my hands gently, intertwining our fingers and.....okay we've held hands before but this time it was giving a churning in my stomach, "Jason?"
"Come here" 
He didn't reply, instead, he guided me outside, passing the pavilion, still holding my hand and I tried my best not to pass out of happiness. We didn't stop until we reached the Oaktree beside the river. "It's peaceful here, away from the mad crowd," He said as we sat down comfortably.

I inhaled contently, this is what I always wanted, a peaceful time with Jason, no war, no tension of whether or not we'll live tomorrow, but only living the present moment. 
"How're things going with nature spirits?" his question jarred me back to reality. After the war, a big area of nature has been destroyed and we've opened a separate rest-house for the nature spirits. "More of them are joining every day. The Fauns are in charge of keeping tracks, whenever they're not busy eating, you know"
That earned a chuckle from both of us. 
"Hey, Reyna, can I ask you something?" 
His tone made my throat dry, "anything" I murmured. 
He cleared his throat and awkwardly feebled with his gold coin. "I never got to ask you properly, what happened at the battery in Charleston?"

One - shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें