"Why are you looking at me?" Jackson asked.

"She is your best friend." I pointed out.

"We haven't talked about. I haven't seen her since it happened." He shook his head.

"She knows what she did. She's slinking. Traitor." Maggie said bitterly.

"I can't believe that she would do this." Jackson said as he sat down.

"I can't believe Bailey asked her too." Arizona said.

"How's Grey holding up." Riggs asked Maggie entering the lounge.

"She's bored. She's worried Kepner'a gonna kill all of her patients." Maggie nodded.

"Kepner's a solid surgeon. You have to give her that, no matter how anyone feels about her taking the job." Riggs pointed out.

"Yeah, of course she's a great surgeon." Jackson said. "Guys, we're losing ground here. We lost Grey, now we're losing April."

"And we don't have the residents. They love Minnick and she's about to start phase two of her program." Maggie said.

"Phase 2?" I frowned.

"A resident gets to be a primary surgeon on their own case. One procedure, pre-op to post-op, start to finish.

"Under supervision right?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, but the resident does it all. The attending is there to assist."

"We're supposed to assist the residents?" I scoffed as we all looked at each other, obviously disapproving of that idea. I know Minnick thinks that she knows what she's doing, but it's obvious she doesn't. Residents are residents for a reason. They're talented, but they are still learning, still training. There was no way I would let her boss me around and have me assist on my own surgery. We need to get rid of her quick.

- -

"So you're telling me that your mother knew that Richard was being replaced with Minnick." I frowned as Jackson and I walked through the hallway.

"According to Richard it was her idea." Jackson scoffed as we made it to the front desk discussing everything going on at the hospital.

"That was low even for her and to think I'm trusting her with my baby." I said making Jackson chuckle from my sarcasm.

"I just can't believe she would do this to the hospital and more importantly Richard."

"So we obviously can't count on her to be on our side either." I huffed. "This whole situation sucks. Having Minnick here sucks. Bailey sucks and so does your mom."

"She's still my mom." Jackson chuckled leaning against the front desk.

"Sorry." I huffed. "Speaking of moms, do you know if Maggie and her mom ever talked after the other night?" Apparently Maggie and her mother got into an argument before they could even discuss her mother's health at dinner so she still didn't know what was going on.

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure her mom left right after their argument."

"I hope they work it out." I sighed.

"Since when do you care." Jackson smirked.

"I don't really like Pierce, you know I find her annoying, but her mom is sick. As someone who's had a sick mother, I wouldn't want to have wasted anytime not speaking over a small argument." I shrugged. One thing that I've learned over the years is that life is short, so you don't want to waste time holding grudges against people you love because you never know when it's your last time with them.

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