new beginnings // 45

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You could say this year has been the hardest Darcey has ever had to endure, but it wasn't as simple as that. We go into each year saying 'it can't get any worse' or 'this year has to be better' and the truth is, it can - If you let it.

You see all of the best things in life come when you're out of your comfort zone, when your desire for change is bigger than the desire to stay. Because you see, everything worth doing is scary at first.

Now as they drove through the village of Bletchley , the place where it all began. It was all coming back to her - the childhood love, the racing, the garage and the dream. It was a strange feeling, knowing she didn't belong here anymore - like she was a stranger in her own childhood memories.

"Welcome home!" Claire announced upon there arrival, the words cut like a razor knife because right now it felt like anything but. Home. "Please come in, it's freezing"

"This is nothing compared to the Alps" Sebastian laughed, as they followed Claire into her home. They were prepared to book a hotel for the occasion, but Darcey's mum had passed on the idea. "Thanks again, for having me"

"Don't be silly, it's the least I could do for what you've done for me and my family." Claire smiled, remembering all he had done for her daughter. "Besides, I'm too young to be a Grandparent just yet." Darcey's face was a picture, just when she thought she couldn't embarrass her anymore. She did.

Travelling for weekends on end, the pair had perfected the art of living out a suitcase and this weekend was no different. They sat on the new spare bed which sat in Darcey's childhood bedroom - it would've been interesting to see the pair squeeze into a small single bed. Another thing that had changed was the interior, the pink walls had turned cream and the posters were no longer those of Justin Timberlake but of F1 drivers.

Then Darcey came across a man which she knew well, her father - Andrew. He was dressed in overalls and stood beside his two true loves, her mother and his stock car. The photographs documented years to follow, from his time with DC and the family garage. Darcey had been so emersed in the images she hadn't heard the knock on the door at first.

"I'm coming in, hope you're decent" Claire called, as she peeped through the door with towels and toiletries. Darcey sighed at her mother's second attempt to embarrass her.

"Mum" Darcey exhaled, while Sebastian struggled to hold back the laugh. It was a relief to know it wasn't just his family. "Please just go!"

"Alright, alright" Claire muttered, as she walked out smugly, to which Darcey turned around to find that Sebastian couldn't hold it in any longer.

Now with Claire out of their hair, the couple were able to shower and change in peace. But it wasn't long before they were on their way to Andrew's garage, hoping to surprise Liam at work.

As they walked towards the steel doors, the once busy car park was empty with Liam's car only one of two to be counted for. 

"This is my last offer, please consider it" The voice announced, and but it wasn't Liams. "When you're ready, you know where to find me"

Then as the figure appeared from around the car, briefcase in hand and a designer suit which told you he wasn't from around here. When Darcey walked in the direction he came from, she found Liam stood in an empty garage - studying a piece of paper in his hand.

"....I really hope I heard that wrong."

Liam's face told her everything she didn't want to know, her heart broke as she saw what was left of her father's dream. The garage hadn't been doing well, it had been slowly losing customers to bigger firms who could get the job done in half the time for half the amount. And Andrew's motor's just couldn't keep up with that.

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