the truth cuts deep // 12

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Yesterday's qualifying session left Sebastian in P2 alongside Alonso, not bad but this also meant that every second counted and there was no room for error. The garage was pretty busy with the amount of cameras and tv crews hanging around for the chance to see the German driver.

After a fun-filled morning of practice pit stops and running through the checks for the car, the team headed to the motorhome to grab a bite to eat. The group walked off in front and without realising she found herself miles behind them, leaving her alone in her thoughts.

Darcey was still thinking about the comment Seb made on the way home, he was known to be this private guy and she always assumed that the reason Sophia didn't come to every race was because of the media. Remembering what happened back in Monaco when she appeared in the garage, it wasn't because she was afraid of the cameras.


With that Darcey was brought back to reality by the calls from outside the motorhome, as she got closer she recognised it as Seb's parents sat beside them was Britta and Rocky.

"Hey, it's nice to see you both again" Darcey smiled politely

"You as well my dear but maybe a bit too much wine" Heike stated, chuckling to herself afterwards.

"You can never have too much wine" Darcey laughed

"This girl she knows well" Heike added and they all shared a moment of laughter before Sebastian arrived, who was closely followed by Christian and Helmut. Darcey suddenly found herself feeling quite out of place, like she had no business being there - nor was she in any way important enough.

Just as she was about to duck out hoping nobody would notice, Sebastian moved closer to her allowing himself to lean into her as he spoke across her to his parents, while also ensuring to include Darcey in the conversation. They stood there for what felt like forever, when Seb's attention turned to his phone.

"It's Soph" He whispered making sure only Darcey heard, with a hint of uncertainty

"Oh, you better get that"

"Wish me luck" He mumbled then turned his attention to the group around them excusing himself from the conversation and giving Darcey a good excuse to leave the rest to it, reminding them that she'll see them later in the garage for the race.

Darcey eventually found the group of mechanics, who all seemed to be on their second plate of food by this time. As she approached the table they lifted their heads and shot her a look which told her they knew where she'd been.

"Talking to the in-laws again?" Brad snickered

"Don't start" Darcey muttered, trying to mask her discomfort towards the remark as she focused on her plate of food in front of her.

Once they had all finished their food, it was time to return to the garage to prepare for the race with only a couple of hours to go now. Just as the team made their way back to the garage, further down the paddock Darcey spotted something which made her stomach sink. Shaking that feeling off she ran ahead to catch up - not wanting to lose her team again.

She kept her head down as they ran their checks on the car and prepared the tires for the grid. Nothing distracting Darcey from the job at hand, this was until Seb entered the garage followed by Sophia with surprisingly less cameras this time.

That stomach-churning sensation returned from earlier, puzzled by why she was feeling this way.

This feeling was soon replaced by a new one when she turned to look at Seb who was grinning from ear to ear as he showed Sophia around the garage. She always admired his passion for the sport.

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