not the right time // 27

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When Darcey heard those two words 'cancer' and 'back' she felt as if she was reliving her worst nightmare all over again. She didn't mean to leave everyone in the dark -leave Sebastian in the dark but she couldn't go back to the garage and pretend that everything was okay. 

Darcey spent the next couple of days at home, working her problems away in her Dad's garage. Not quite knowing what to do with this new information and how she felt about Nate coming back into her life.

"You can't bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away" Liam pointed out as he had just spent the last couple of minutes trying to get her to leave the place.

"Don't you think I know that? It's cancer I know it won't just go away" Darcey argued back, annoyed that he had managed to get her to talk about it.

"Then talk to me, talk to him. Bottling it up doesn't help anyone" 

"Don't you get it?" Darcey croaked, "If I talk to him, then it's real and I have to go through the whole thing again. I have to watch someone I love whittle away until there's nothing left. What if I'm not strong enough this time" 

"Believe me you're stronger than you think, but you don't have to face this alone okay?" Liam reassured her "Whatever you do, don't do'll only end up regretting it later"

"I know" Darcey sighed "Thank you, you know for putting up with me, I know I haven't exactly been the easiest to deal with these last couple of months and now this"

"Tell me about it" Darcey shot Liam a look of warning before he continued "But I'll always be here for you no matter how unbearable you become"  

A couple of weeks had passed since Darcey had last seen Sebastian, not that she was trying to avoid him. Although she was beginning to suspect it was the other way around. 

She knew him well enough to let him calm down before she approached him, but as time went on he only seemed to avoid her more. And maybe that was for the best. Everyone had a past, but Darcey was still dealing with hers. 

The next race on the calendar was the British Grand Prix and as Darcey walked passed the factory coffee shop, she couldn't help but remember the conversation shared there. It seemed like a lifetime ago, "So you're a fan then?"  She still remembered his devilish smirk, then not forgetting her birthday surprise than came soon after. 

This year was going to be different, however, she didn't expect any birthday surprises from their number one driver. Nevertheless Red Bull Racing did insist that she could invite a plus one, but as Claire was busy at work she decided to invite Nate instead. 

"I still can't believe you do this, you were such a homebody" Nate joked as they walked around the paddock. Darcey was enjoying his company this weekend, well she was until he made this comment.

"People change you know" Darcey bantered back, playful budging him with her elbow. "Unlike you still as annoying as ever"

"Ow that hurt!" Nate exclaimed

"Oh grow up!" Darcey teased before she locked eyes with Sebastian as he appeared from the motorhome. He held his gaze for a moment, then glanced over at Nate before turning sharply and pacing off in the opposite direction. 

Snapping out of her trance, the pair walked into the motorhome as they were meeting the rest of the pit crew inside for lunch. As Darcey walked over to her co-workers she noticed someone new sitting at their table. Or someone from another team she should say.

"Oh hi Jenson, good to see you again" Darcey chuckled to herself as she patted the cardboard cut-out from last year. The boys had kept it from last year and apparently decided to make a tradition out of it. 

Unspoken (Sebastian Vettel Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora