partying in monaco // 6

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As the first part of the long haul flights came to an end, they were off to Europe for the Spanish Grand Prix. After the difficult situation in Bahrain two weeks ago, Darcey was excited to get back on the road again and make up for missing out on the celebrations. The team had made jokes on the way home that evening - first win of the season and we can't even celebrate it!

The Spanish Grand Prix didn't deliver the fiesta they had hoped, with Sebastian finishing in 8th place and Mark following after in 11th.

Then came the race that everyone looks forward to, the one that you spend weeks talking about and planning for - Monaco. Luckily she had Kendall to help in situations like this as she insisted on helping her pack her bags, not wanting a repeat of that time in Australia.

"Now there will be a fashion show, a dinner party, a yacht party, a pool party..." Kendall began listing the events through the phone, obviously going on overdrive.

"You sure this is just one weekend?" Darcey stopped Kendall starting to feel quite overwhelmed

"No that's just the Friday" Kendall laughed

"How do we fit in the time for...oh I don't know? THE RACING" Darcey shouted before falling down on her bed. It was just one weekend, just get the job done and all will go back to normal.

With not much time to waste in the week between the two races, Darcey was on the road again. Darcey had never been to Monaco before, or even France for that matter. She'd actually never been to many places before she starting traveling for work. Blackpool was as exotic as it got for her Dad. 

The Monaco weekend wasn't just about the race, it was a national event - it was going to be the busiest weekend for the team so far. The team arrived at the hotel Tuesday evening, looking around Darcey quickly understood why her friends back home were so eager to be apart of this weekend. It was only the beginning of the week and already the streets were filled with people and the docks overran by yachts - most of which were bigger than her actual house.

Although a Thursday was your typical press day on a normal weekend, this however changed for the Monaco race, starting the race weekend on a Thursday practice session number one.

Practise was a welcome familiarity for Darcey as she kept her head down in the garage, the main thing about this race was that being a street track it was hard to overtime. This made the pit stops ever more important as one wrong move or late pit stop could leave them at the back of the grid with no way of fighting to victory.

Sebastian was showing great speed around the circuit, with a couple of close corners and near touches he tried to keep his head clear. Darcey was in the garage when the familiar chaos of the media surrounded the Red Bull garage. She looked around noticing that Sebastian was already in the drivers room - who were they following?

Then in walked a tall, blonde and glamorous figure, looking like she had no place being in a garage right now. Before Darcey had the chance to put two and two together the women pushed her to the side making her way to the back of the garage. The commotion in the garage brought Seb out of the driver's room and into the arms of his girlfriend. Sophia.

"There you are!" Sophia expressed before turning around to the cameras once again, Darcey and the team of mechanics choosing to relocate to the other side of the car.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian muttered into her ear as Sophia remained focused on the cameras, she knew how he felt about public displays of affection. Sebastian flinched back and crossed his arms in front of him.

"They followed me, It's not my fault my boyfriend is such a megastar" She giggled, loud enough for Darcey to hear from across the garage. She wasn't sure why but that comment caused her to stop in her tracks as they set to work on the floor of the car.

"You know I have work to do, I'll come and see you later - please not now" Sebastian whispered pleading with her to not take it any further. Not wanting anything to get in the way of his focus this weekend. Not wanting their relationship plastered all over the newspapers.

With that Sophia turned on her heels and strutted out the garage, again without a word to the workers around her. Finding it awkward in the garage now as Sebastian stood there, gave a hesitant nod before exiting out the back door.

The silence remained as the team turned to one another knowing what this means for the rest of the weekend. Brad had told her about encounters they've had with Sophia, and now after seeing her in person - the stories didn't seem quite so exaggerated.

"I thought you said this couldn't get worse" Darcey sighed looking over at Brad

"Well obviously I wasn't being imaginative enough!" Brad uttered under his breath

That evening after the practice sessions ended the streets of Monaco came alive with the sound of music and lights. Darcey had picked out a green summer dress for the evening, showing off the little amount of cleavage she had. Still didn't stop boys from making a comment.

"Sorry who are you and what have you done with our mechanic" Brad announced as she smiled at her new nickname from the team before quickly giving him something back

"Don't you start Bradley, I can still kick your ass" Darcey stepped closer, looking up at Brad.

"You have to be able to reach it first" He retaliated sticking his tongue out before running off down the street.

This caused the whole gang to take off chasing down the narrow streets of Monte Carlo, before stopping at the docks in front of them. It didn't take long for them to spot where they were headed.

Kendall being a part of the hospitality circle had its perks especially when it came to Monaco, landing them an invite to the yacht party hosted by singer and F1 girlfriend Nicole Scherzinger.

Everyone was having a great time, drinks were flowing and they seemed to have made up for lost time. With it being the day off tomorrow this was the time that the teams and drivers could let of some steam before the race. They settled down at the side of the boat looking around at the different parties going on, Darcey couldn't help but wonder how Sebastian was spending his evening.

As the night went on the group decided to head back for the night, in order to make full use of their day off tomorrow.

Deciding to head to the toilets before they returned to the docks, Darcey told the others returned to the deck of the boat. Walking across the floor towards the toilets, she noticed that they had left their glasses and wanted to return them on her way.

"Excuse me can I have a big bottle of champaign for my champion?" shrieked a voice behind her, stopping Darcey in her tracks.

"Excuse me, waitress" Sophia appeared in front of her now

"Soph, I told you no more" then came the voice she had wanted to hear all night - but not quite like this, as soon as Sebastian came face to face with Darcey his cheery exterior disappeared.

At this point Sophia had lost interest and moved over to the next group, clearly having had enough to drink anyway.

"Darce" Sebastian stammered trying to find his words, but ultimately being too late as Darcey scurried away without a single word.

Darcey returned to the docks where the group was waiting for her, standing up from their leaning position, Brad took off with Will and Scotty, leaving Kendall behind with Darcey

"What took you so long?" She questioned

Not wanting to discuss what had just happened and still hearing Sebastian calling after Sophia, she simply replied with

"I just got lost"

"Well it is a big yacht I guess, god I can't wait for tomorrow!" Kendall said pulling on Darcey's arm to get her to catch up with the rest of them.

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