thats my girl.

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~y/n's POV~


we actually did it.

i actually did it.



what the fuck.

so ethans bi too-
didn't expect that. i wonder what the fans will think? they're my biggest boost. what if they hate me? what if they think me and amber are dating? WHAT IF THEY START SHIPPING ETHAN WITH EVERYONE- well i mean not that they don't do that anyways- but then again. some people will take it the wrong way.

i've been posting for about nine months now. there's still a lot you can expect from me but at the same time there's not? it's complicated. it sometimes hurts even. i enjoy posting and i enjoy the buzz and adrenaline i get from filming, the feedbacks mostly great and i don't want me coming out to get in the way of that.

my phone was going mental. i completely lost my train of thought. we arrived back at the house and all went our separate ways.

skater boy: heyy babe, how's tonight for meeting up? you good with that? xxxxx

y/n: yeah baby, that's fine, i'll get amber to cover for me xxxx

skater boy: perfect, see you soon xxxx

~Later that night~

"hey baby!" he gently kissed me on the lips and sat down beside me, his head on my shoulder. he seemed down and a bit lost. "everything okay?" i had to know. i hated seeing him like this.
"yeah. babe. it's okay if you don't wanna go out anymore but... i'm trans.. my names amelia actually and i was born in the wrong body. i'm sorry." what did he need to be sorry for? shit he didn't know i was bi.
"that's totally fine baby. i'm actually bi and i'll love you regardless!" she kissed me again and we fell into a tight hug.

we rode around on her skateboard for a while. i was getting better at it. she always picked me up if i fell and would always care for my scrapes, even if there was nothing there. we'd been dating for about seven months now. we sneak out every week to see each other later on at night as our families don't know we're dating, they just think we're friends.

"i came out to everyone today." i randomly blurted out. what the fuck. why did i say that? i don't want to pressure her into doing the same. shit shit shit.
"awh i'm so proud of you babe!" she pulled me into another right hug.

my love for her was awestriking. she was an angel sent from above. she truly was my favourite human. we told each other everything. she was even friends with amber. amber barely likes people, that was rare, that's how amazing my girlfriend is.

~skater girl POV~
i knew the moment i met y/n that i loved her. she always accepted me for me no matter what. she cared for me with her whole heart and then some. she's always open for new ideas and possibilities. she's always ready to pick you up when you fall down. she's always there to fend away the shadows. she'd never let the darkness take you. i love her.
"amelia?..." her saying my name made my heart melt. i love her.
"i love you." i couldn't keep it to myself anymore.
"i love you too baby." she kissed me right there and then. a tear rolled down my cheek with happiness, she gently brushed it away with her ladylike fingers.

i blushed like any *normal* human being as she walked away.

~Amber pov~

"okay okay, so your boyfriend is now your girlfriend called amelia and uses she/they pronouns?" she/they bitches are the best. i was a bit stunned to hear this but accepting nonetheless.
"yep. sounds about right!" y/n nodded at me. she's never smiled so hard in her life!
"poggers, you want some food?" most amber quote you'll ever hear. she rolled her eyes at me and nodded
"so is that okay?" i stopped dead in my tracks.
"bitch what do you take me for- of course that's okay, it's amazing. what the fuck i'm not insane am i?" i hugged her and whispered in her ear. i was so proud of her and how far she'd came in just one day.

~tarons pov~
taron☑️: when are we down to film?
amber: i can do some point this week? it's totally up to you!
taron☑️: perfect, i'll run it by your dad and i'll see you then! be prepared!

she was so professional and polite about the whole thing. it look me by surprise but made me respect her evenmore. i mean at the end of the day, i'm the one trying to become her second father.

taron☑️: hey mr.payne! as you know i've been speaking with your daughter about a video i've prepared, i just need to know a date you are available asap so i can get the studio set up.
thanks! taron.

bhez☑️: ayy my guy! amber's gonna be so excited, we're free friday and maybe we could get some drinks after?

taron☑️: solid! see you then!

i sound like a little girl meeting some form of disney princess. i wonder what he's like in person? or even drunk? i think he's gonna be awesome. he's brought up an amazing daughter, why wouldn't he be?

~tobi's pov~

i was so proud of y/n and amber, i didn't expect it at all from ethan actually. i don't think anyone did. we're all so proud of them all though.

i love y/n to bits and this was a big step for her and i'm so lucky to be able to call myself her father, even if it's not biological, i'll always love her and support her no matter what. she's my daughter and i'm always gonna be there for her, i'm her lucky ass father, and that's my girl.

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