Big Bhez And Mini Bhez.

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~Josh's POV~
I could hear the girls yelling and giggling all night. I'm glad we decided to tell them before they were gonna have fun, I'm not sure about y/n but Amber definitely has a tendency to stress with things like this, bless her. When I woke up in the morning the whole house smelled of sweet, gooey brownies and coffee. The girls were awake.
'FAT LAMB WITH A PAINTING' y/n was screaming as Amber was pretending to be a mixer whilst washing the dishes. 'Fat lamb with a painting? Don't you mean fat man with a peng ting?' Amber stopped and stared at her.
'NAH' their good vibes were intoxicating, having y/n around really brightened up the place, Vikk even came out of his room more often! 'Morning party animals.' I yawned
'Whoops, did we wake you up? Sorry.' Amber asked me.
'Nah, it's like 10 anyways.' Y/n was still dancing with the headphones on full blast, not even realising I was there. 'YOUR MOTHER HAS A PENIS.' She was screaming. Me and Amber burst out laughing, Amber went bright red, knowing that y/n was listening to her playlist. 'Yes good morning to you too y/n'.' I told her. She froze. 'Ehh,' she rubbed her head, 'morning Josh.' I grabbed one of the brownies from the table just as JJ walked downstairs.
'Y/n? Are you listening to my music?' He questioned, laughing his obvious question.

~Tobi's POV~
'What's that smell?' I muttered as I walked downstairs. I saw y/n and Amber cooking. 'Ah yes. The dynamic duo.' The two laughed and y/n walked up to me and hugged me 'good morning Tobi!'
'Sup.' Amber said not to enthusiastically. 'Thanks for sorting my room out, appreciate it man.' Dam, so she really was pissed at me still. I saw Ethan coming downstairs as she plated up the breakfasts and made everyone drinks. 'Hey y/n?' I asked as we were eating. 'Do you wanna go out and do something today if you're not too tired?'
'Sure!' She happily replied. She ran upstairs to get changed and grab her things. She was so cute. 'You busy today Amber?' Ethan asked.
'Yeah why?' She responded, I don't think she was in the best mood, either that or she was still tired. 'I need to sort some shit out, sorry.'
'That's alright bubs.' Ethan replied, kissing her forehead as she leaned away. 'May I be excused?' She politely asked, we all nodded as she walked back upstairs.

'Is everything alright with her?' I asked Ethan in hopes he would have some sort of answer. 'I'm not sure, she's been acting strange recently.' By this point everyone had dispersed and only me and Ethan were still sat down. 'She just seems scattered and stressed, I think it might be because of the whole y/n situation, she's not used to being with her friends all the time. Maybe it's wearing our her social battery?' We agreed and sighed.
'It's all my fault.' I felt guilty, was Amber mad about that?
'Don't be, she loves it, she's just trying her best to make y/n feel comfortable and settle in well.'
'Yeah, you're right, thanks Ethan, I'm gonna go see her and apologise for not telling her.' I walked up the stairs and Ethan turned the tv on.

I knocked oh her  door. 'Y/n, your phones not in here, it's downstairs on the table next to the oven.' She laughed.
'Uhh Amber, it's Tobi.'
'Oh, come in.' I opened her door to her cleaning her room and folding her clothes. 'Yeah? What do you want?'
'I just wanted to apologise.'
'Why? You've brought my best friend to me when i hit rock bottom. I couldn't be more thankful. She's shown my that I still have more to live for. She's made me excited to get out of bed in the morning. If I seem pissed off it's because I'm frustrated, I'm trying to find a way to repay her and make her feel welcome here.' I was stunned, I froze. 'Really?' I asked, my heart sank, she hit rock bottom? 'Amber are you okay?'
'Nah but I'm getting there.' I didn't know wether to be releaved or sad? I walked up to her and gave her the biggest hug, she didn't react, I don't think either of us wanted to be in that situation. 'Anyways, I think y/n is ready for your plans today so you might wanna dash.' Shit I'd totally forgotten! 'Cheers Amber!' I shouted as I ran out the door.

~Ethan's POV~
I wonder how amber was doing. I walked upstairs and she had a completely clean room. That's unlike her but oh well! 'Sup dad.' She jumped into my arms 'how was last night?' I asked her. 'Good, we had fun.' She was laughing as she said it and had a genuine smile on her face. 'Dad? We need to have a little chat about the whole coming into the pubic/sidemen/YouTube/social media stuff.' She told me.
'Yeah go ahead bubs, what's on your mind?'
'Why now? And what should I start off with? Like I know the ghost photos were posted, but how do I start myself off? Do I do features? Do I Create my own channel? What do I do?' She threw questions at me one after another. 'Woah woah woah... slow down! I think, today if you wanted, we could make a video together for my channel to get your brand out there, how does a who's more likely sound?' That was a good why for people to get to know her, and it was fun, I'd never done it to anyone before, she laughed 'yeah sure, sound like fun.' The grin on her face grew wide. 'Big Behz and Mini Behz.' She chuckled at her own words. 'I loved it, and I'm sure the fans who's too! Aha! Big Behz and Mini Behz.'

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