Chapter 1

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Jennie's Pov

"Hello Love good morning!" Lisa happily said as she saw me walking down the stairs.

I just nodded at her as a response.

I don't want her to think that I have feelings for her because I don't have.

I never liked the thought of living in the same roof with her until,
Both of our parents decided to arrange our marriage at each other because my parents want to happened the merging of Manoban Inc. To ours. Especially when they knew that Lisa has feelings for me since childhood.

"I made breakfast for us!" she held my hands as she lead me to our dining table which is full of delicious breakfast foods.

"I have work Lisa." I uttered coldly.

"But you're the Ceo." Here we go again she's being persistent to get my attention.

"Listen to me. We've been like this for two months now. And you know that I don't have a feelings for you so why are you still doing this huh?! You know that I can't love you back but you're still doing this kind of bullshits you're just wasting your time and heart for the wrong person Lalisa!" she smiled at me weakly and i can see on her eyes the pain... that I cause.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" She asked hopefully.

Maybe I can let her do that since I'm not that much a bad person to hurt her even more by refusing all her efforts for me.


When I entered our house I was welcomed by Lisa laying down the couch while hugging her books.

"Lisa wake up." I poke her shoulder.

She yawned and stop it immediately when she saw me looking at her.

"Nini? Did you already eat I prepared dinner for u--"

"I'm going to sleep." I cutted her off since I don't want to eat with her... Never!


2:30 am

Lisa's Pov

"Hello Jisoo-yah why did you call and why your place is so loud?" I asked my friend from another line.

"I'm at the bar to fetch Rosie and unfortunately she's with Jennie."

"What?! But Jennie said she's going to sleep?!" I got up from my bed and leave my room.

I entered Jennie's room but she's not there.

"Jisoo is Jennie okay?"

"She's drunk but aside from that she's okay."

"Thanks god!" I sighed in relief when Jisoo said those words.

"By the way Lisa I'm going to drop her off there so no need to go here and just wait for her okay?" Jisoo is such a kind friend thank god that I met this Chicken addict... I don't know what to do if she's not beside me... Guiding me.

"Thanks chu! Please take care and send my regards to Chipmunk."

After we ended the call my phone rang again and it was from my another friend.

"Hey seul what's up?"

"I'm good... How about you?" I can sense that she's smiling based on her voice.

"Yeah... Still good thanks for the advices and medicine that you prescribed for me."

"Lisa... When will you come here and take care of your self?" Now I think she's already sad.

"Hey, Doctor Kang I'm a fighter and besides I think that the medicine that your giving me is working." I tried to cheer her up.

"But it's still different when you're here in hospital Lisa! Me and my wife can take care of you here! Irene is one of the best doctors in Seoul that Can help you why don't you listen to me just this once?!"

"Seul... I don't want my family and Jennie to know about my condition because I don't want to hurt them."

"Do you think you wouldn't hurt them if you leave them huh?! If you leave us?!"

There was a silent before I answer back at her.

"Jennie wouldn't get... Hurt"

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