Chapter 2

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When we arrived at Diagon Alley, I was speechless, because I had never been here before. My parents and my brother always told me about it, but in reality everything was much bigger, more colorful and exciting.

"Where do you want to go first, Anna? We could go to Ollivander's and you can pick out a wand there, well better said you can be picked out by a wand then..." my mom started talking but I interrupted her immediately when I saw a store with joke items, I blanked her out because I came up with a wonderful idea on how to annoy Josh.

"Mom can we go to that store over there first? Gambol & Japes, they seem to have novelty items. Please, please, please," I begged her with a puppy dog look. I knew she couldn't say no to that but she hated it when Josh and I played pranks on each other all the time.

"Don't you think that's a little unfair to your brother when you use magical pranking devices...".

"But when he gave me licorice wands exploding in my mouth that was okay?!", I immediately protested.

"Alright then, we'll go to that stupid store, but you're only allowed to pick one thing, got it?" she said sternly.

Satisfied, I nodded at her and rushed into the store.

I was overwhelmed when I saw the huge assortment of novelty items. I looked around the store for quite a while and in the end I couldn't decide whether to take the chewing gum that would make your teeth stick together for a few seconds or candies that would color your teeth different colors.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to go with the gum because Josh liked it better. He would take one whenever there was one lying around somewhere. I was already imagining how funny it would be when he couldn't get his mouth open.

Our next stop was Ollivanders and as I stood in the small, crowded store, a wand immediately caught my eye. Curious, I walked up to it and took it in my hand. As little sparks of my favorite color shot out of the tip of the wand and danced in the air, I was immediately excited.

"Good choice, kiddo. 13 ¾ inches, made of sycamore maple and with a phoenix feather for a core. It shouldn't be very flexible, give it a try," came a voice from the background. I got a little startled but when I saw an older man approaching, I assumed it must be Ollivander. I then tried to bend the wand a bit, which was not easy. It just showed that Ollivander was right in his description. Apparently he knows all his wands by heart.

"I couldn't have suggested a better wand for you," he said with a laugh. My mother smiled back and we bought the wand before getting the rest I would need for Hogwarts.

A few weeks later

When I arrived at Kings Cross with my family at Platform 9 ¾, I found that I was not spared my parents' effusive goodbyes either. I was always almost embarrassed when they only said goodbye to Josh like that. My mother also never managed to let us go without shedding tears.

"Oh mom...that you always have to be so emotional. I love you guys. Bye mom! Bye dad!"

"Bye sweetheart!"

I was so excited that I couldn't stand still anymore, so the goodbye from my side was rather smaller. My mom hugged me again, as did my dad, and then I walked with Josh into the huge black and red Lock and sat down in an empty compartment.

"Josh I found an empty compartment."

"You sit there I'm going to join my friends. I'm sure there will be others who will join you in the compartment if they can stand the sight of you." He winked at me and was gone.

A short period of time later the door to my compartment opened and two identical looking redheads poked their heads through the door and asked at the same time, "Can we sit with you?"

"Come on in. I don't know anyone yet anyway, it's my first year at Hogwarts."

"Ours is too. I'm Fred Weasley and this is..."

"George Weasley. Thanks Fred I can introduce myself too!"

I started laughing and the other two immediately joined in.

Since I was pretty done and tired, although I didn't even know why exactly, I fell asleep after a short conversation as well.

Fred's POV:

There was a knock on the compartment door and a dark-skinned boy looked into our compartment and said:

"Hey, I'm Lee Jordan. Can I still sit with you guys?"

"Sure. Come on in and make yourself comfortable."

Replied me and George with our twin chatter. We chatted about Merlin and the world, and finally the question I've honestly been waiting for for a while was asked by Lee.

"Who's that little one practicing, sleeping on George's shoulder?"

"You noticed her early, Lee. That's Anna Ravenwood. She's really cute, isn't she?"

The answer from the other two came quickly, "Yeah, she definitely is."

At that, we all had to laugh and that's when the idea of all ideas suddenly hit me.

Your POV:

After a while I woke up again, but paused in my position to eavesdrop on the others' conversation. I heard them calling me cute and had to concentrate not to blush.

Since George's shoulder turned out to be quite comfortable, I stayed sitting like that for a bit and continued listening.

"Guys I have the idea for our first prank at Hogwarts!"

"Go on Fred tell it!", Lee urged him.

"It's okay I'm in after all. So we'll just put whipped cream on Anna's hand and then George has to tickle her nose. Then when she goes to scratch her nose, she'll have it all stuck to her face.... Hopefully she'll have a good sense of humor and won't take offense."

The other two agreed. I was really glad I heard about the prank and didn't let anything go to waste. They smeared a mountain of whipped cream on my hand and already George was tickling my nose. I just wondered where they had gotten the cream from in the first place.

But instead of smearing the cream on my face myself, which the boys expected of course, and unconsciously scratching my nose, I stretched my hand full of whipped cream in the direction of the attacker and spread the mountain of whipped cream on his face.

Now I couldn't control myself and started laughing, but when I saw George's face with all the cream hanging in it, I just had to laugh even louder and the others started doing it too.

"Good idea guys, but I'm smarter than you, you know... or you could say that I actually am awake for quite a while and George's shoulder was comfy."

They all looked at me puzzled and asked how long I had been listening to their conversation, but I only said a mysterious "Long enough." and had to laugh again.

The rest of the train ride we talked about this and that and George freed his face from the whipped cream. I still wondered where they got it from so quickly.

During this train ride, it became immediately clear that we were going to be the best of friends.

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