Chapter 13

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"Hey we should bring Ron a spider," George said and pointed to the tree behind us. I slowly turned around and there was a huge spider sitting there.

"Oh God, why is it so big? And why do you want to bring it to Ron?", I asked in disgust and the twins laughed.

"Ron loves spiders," Fred grinned.

"Are his favourite animals." added George, reaching out to put the animal on his hand.

"You can touch the critter? George please keep it far away from me," I said fearfully, for I could already see George walking towards me with it while Fred examined the hairy, eight-legged animal.

"Don't tell me you're scared of that little creepy-crawly. They're cute, aren't they?" laughed George, coming closer and closer.

"I'm warning you, George! Get away from me with that thing. I'll get back at you if you get too close to me with that spider," I warned him as I walked backwards a few steps. However, the Gryffindor didn't let my threat stop him. "Fred! Help me! Your brother has gone mad. The disgusting spider will definitely try to kill me!", I shouted. By now I was running away from George, who was chasing me with the spider in his arms. Fred, on the other hand, was already almost on the floor, doubled over with laughter.

"Okay, I think that's enough, George. Save some for Ron." he tried to say between his laughter but apparently his twin understood him because he finally stopped chasing me and started laughing just like Fred.

"What's got into you, you lunatic?!", I shouted at George but when my heartbeat slowed down again and I calmed down a bit, I couldn't help grinning.

"Apparently Anna is as enthusiastic about spiders as Ronnie Wonnie," he said.

"Looks like it," Fred agreed with him, nodding.

"What are you talking about? Earlier you said Ron likes spiders. What's true now?", I asked, confused. By now the twins had calmed down and we were walking back to the burrow, George still with the spider on his arm.

"Oh you know, Fred used to have a toy broom," George started.

"Yeah right, those little ones for kids where you hover just above the ground," Fred continued.

"Of course one day dear Ron wanted the broom while Fred had it. He flew around the house with the thing and Ron ran after him with a teddy until Fred stopped once. Then he pushed him off the broom and broke it when he tried to rip it out of Fred's hands."

"And what has all this got to do with spiders now?", I interrupted their narrative.

"Now don't be so impatient all the time. We'll get to that," George said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"That's what I always tell her, Georgie. Well, back to the story... where were we?" said Fred, dragging out everything he spoke on purpose to annoy me. "Right, at the broken broom... Well Ron broke it when he tried to take it away from me. Then I understandably got quite angry with him and accidentally turned his teddy bear into a giant spider."

"You should have seen Ron's face. He nearly wet his pants!" the twins laughed in unison and I joined in.

"No wonder your brother is so scared of those things. Nothing like that has ever happened to me and I just think they're disgusting and run away from them. I don't even want to know how Ron felt about that. I probably would have died," I commented on their story.

"Ron almost dropped dead too," Fred told me.

"Yeah, the guy had nightmares about it for weeks after," George added.

"But you know what the worst part was?" complained Fred, "Mum blamed me for it. It was Ron who broke the broom and I didn't turn his stupid teddy into a spider on purpose, how could I? But when Mum saw that and now Ron is 'forever damaged and traumatised' in her opinion, I got in trouble. Because I'm the older and therefore more sensible brother - well, she doesn't say that last one now - and should have let Ron play with the broom. Sometimes she still holds that against me."

"You're really poor off, Fred," I said wryly, laughing as I imagined the scene. Mrs Weasley must have been freaking out about it.

"Finally someone who sees it the same way I do and has realised the situation," Fred joked, knowing full well I was just saying that in jest.

After we had been walking through the thicket of the forest for quite a while now, and I had dodged a few insects at one point or another, we were back in the garden of the Weasleys' home. The burrow loomed before us and meanwhile the sun was high in the sky, by now it had become midday. From the garden we could see Percy sitting in his room by the window with his books - probably already studying again for the next school year - and Mrs Weasley scurrying around the kitchen preparing something for dinner.

"So Mum seems busy... Anna, can you go and get Ron? He might listen to you if you say we need his help out here in the garden. He's bound to get suspicious about us straight away," George said, "I'll hide in the bushes over there with the spider."

"And what should I say to him to get him to come outside with me?", I asked, because I had no idea how to get Ron to go to that bush.

"Just tell him I saw an animal and I need his help because I don't know what it is and I'm sure he can tell me because he's so clever. To be better than one of us and then to be able to tell us we're stupid, I'm sure he'll be happy to come outside," Fred explained the procedure.

No sooner said than done. I went to Ron and told him about the twins' predicament and that only he could help us. Ron wasn't thrilled, groaned loudly and rolled his eyes as he put on shoes to go outside, but he did. He ran over to Fred who was standing by the bushes telling him God knows what while George crept around him and put the spider on his arm. It quickly crawled up onto Ron's shoulder as if George had told it to do so and the twins couldn't help grinning.

"I don't see anything in those bushes, Fred... What are you two grinning so stupidly about?", Ron asked his brothers in annoyance, looking at them sceptically.

"Oh nothing, Ronnie..." said Fred.

"There's just something on your shoulder," George said.

Ron turned his head to look at his shoulder and the moment he saw the spider all the blood drained from his face and he turned white as a sheet. Ron started screaming and swept the spider off his shoulder in one swift movement. We on the other hand, couldn't contain ourselves and laughed.

"Sorry Ron," I giggled, "I'm scared of spiders too but you should have seen your face."

"Just like back then.", Fred grinned and George was on the floor gasping for air from laughing so hard.

"You're all stupid," Ron grumbled before going back into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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