Chapter 4

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27 pancakes and 39 toasts later, Professor McGonagall stood behind me and the twins.

"Detention! All three of you! Tonight, seven o'clock sharp in my office!"

She immediately disappeared again, but me and my best friends just shrugged it off and armed ourselves again with something to eat. At least we couldn't get any more detention, could we?

At the exact moment I was about to throw a bread roll at Lee, the food in my hand disappeared and the rest of the food vanished into thin air as well. Dumbledore's voice suddenly filled the entire hall.

"Now that you have nothing left to throw, you may change and then proceed to your classes. Also to be said is that this was a record. We've never had a food fight at Hogwarts right away on the first day, and it was started by first year students to boot. So now get ready."

We all raised our hands in a high five, because this was something like our first prank together and even though we had detention we were mighty proud of it. Looking back, though, it might have been funnier to put hiccup drops in the drinks. After all, it wouldn't have made such a mess.

Laughing, I walked with Fred and George to our common room.

"That you have to start throwing food at us right away.... At least you got clean from the water we dumped on you," they both laughed at the same time.

"Well, I'm not one to be messed with. I'm only too happy to remind you again."

Now I started laughing too and made my way to my dorm. It was urgent to clean myself up. But the honey I got off the twins was harder to get out of my hair than I expected. So, willy-nilly, I had to take a shower.

After I was clean again, it was my school uniform's turn. Luckily, my mom taught me a spell to clean them. However, a glance at the clock immediately made me startle. It was already 5 minutes past the start of class.

"Oh shit."

I cursed under my breath as I made my way to Potions.

"Ahh Miss Ravenwood. What an honor to have you grace us with your presence. You will be given detention today, for being late."

Snape looked at me disparagingly and I wasn't going to put up with that.

"I am most sincerely sorry professor. But I had to take a shower after the food fight, I would recommend you too. And it's bad timing for detention today, I already have to do that with Professor McGonagall."

Snape deducted 20 house points for my behavior, which didn't really bother anyone at that moment because everyone was laughing. I sat down at an empty table and started brewing my potion when suddenly a paper bird landed on my table. I unfolded the bird and began to read.

"Well countered, little one.

You really shouldn't be messed with :)

We are proud of you!


I had to smile and write a reply to the guys on the note.

"I know myself that I did a good job.

And you guys are speaking from experience there.



I conjured the paper back into the bird shape and let him fly to Fred and George. After they read the letter I saw them smile at me and continued working on my potion.

(*A/N* I know it's only the beginning of school but since the three of them have all grown up with magic, they already know some spells)

By the time me and the twins had to go to detention, McGonagall was already sitting in her office examining some students' work.

"Oh, it's seven o'clock already. Hello Miss Ravenwood, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley. Why don't you take a seat at those tables over there and write me an essay on why you shouldn't play with food."

She pointed to the tables diagonally across from her and motioned for us to sit down.

The boys finished their essays at the same time as I did, and together we walked over to Professor McGonagall, grinning.

"You can go now."

We didn't need to be told twice and immediately disappeared from her office. Together we strolled back to the common room. As we stood in front of the fat lady, we chorused "chocolate ice cream" so that the portrait swung open. Some other students who also wanted to go to the common room looked at us askance because of our bad singing, but that didn't stop us from singing some more.

Laughing, each of us dropped into one of the chairs. We gossiped for a while about this and that, when suddenly I started squealing.

"Guys I got it. I've got the idea for our first real prank, if you guys want to participate, of course."

"What do you think of us? We would never play pranks in our lives.... Sure we're in."

"Good, because I need two people to keep a lookout."

I told the twins about my plan, and that I would prepare it as early as tomorrow.

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