Chapter 12

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Anna's POV:

"Fred, where are we going?", I asked the redhead. We had already moved a good distance from the house and were walking through a forest.

"You just wait and see. You'll see soon enough, don't be so impatient all the time," Fred answered me and I rolled my eyes.

"This is coming from you of all people. You're the most impatient and curious person I know... well you and George.", I retorted as we walked further and further into the forest. Fred just grinned stupidly at me without another word and led me through a thicket, being careful not to trip.

"Oh come on, Fred. I'm getting tired of this. What's it going to be now?", I huffed.

"Just a little bit more. I can see it and now stop being annoying.", Fred laughed and took my hand as a matter of course as he pulled me along.

I blushed a little and was glad he didn't turn to me as he had to watch the path so we wouldn't fall. A few metres further on, however, I saw what Fred was probably talking about. There was a small wooden hut in the middle of the forest. It had windows and many different plants were growing around the little house, looking as if they had never been cut or even touched.

"What is this place?", I asked, curious but also a little scared. An old wooden hut standing godforsaken in the middle of the forest was a bit spooky. At that moment I wished I had my wand with me but since we weren't allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts until we were seventeen, I left it with the Weasleys in the house. After all, I hadn't expected that to be Fred's surprise.

"I'll tell you what this is yet. Now off you go and come with me." The twin, looked around cautiously before we walked up to the front of the hut. He jerked at the door but nothing happened. Inwardly I was relieved, because I felt uneasy at the thought of having to stay here any longer. Fred, on the other hand, saw it quite differently.

"Make sure no one sees us," he whispered softly and took a hairpin out of his pocket.

"Fred, what are you doing?", I asked him nervously as I looked around the area frantically.

"I'm picking the lock, what does it look like? The others in the family thought it was a totally unnecessary skill - especially Percy, he's just nagging, that old know-it-all "Why learn it if you can do magic?" he keeps saying - but since we're not allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts yet, George and I thought, it comes in handy every now and then. Besides, no one can prove it, because the spell wasn't cast by our wands," Fred muttered cheerfully, but I was getting more and more nervous. "And keep watching so we don't get caught. I don't want to die today. I still have far too many good ideas for that."

"Die?!", I squealed, "Dammit, Fred, what are you talking about? Now tell me what's going on." I turned my back to the red-haired boy so I could get a better view of our surroundings, wondering who owned the shack and why the hell he was talking about dying.

"Ha!" exclaimed Fred as there was a soft 'click' and the door creaked open.

"Fred! Did you hear that?", I whispered startled because I saw a bush shaking not far from us and it rustled quite loudly. "Fred? Do you hear?", I repeated my question when I got no answer from him. "That's not funny, dude. You must have heard that," I said one last time as I turned to face him.

But where he had been a moment ago, Fred was no more. Immediately I got scared and looked around in panic. "Fred, where are you?", I called into the forest, worried about him.

When I didn't get an answer again, I mustered up all my courage and took a few steps away from the hut to look for him. Again and again I called his name but never got an answer. I walked deeper into the forest, wincing at every sound I heard.

Just as I was about to stop looking for Fred to go back to the burrow for help, something jumped out of a bush behind me and grabbed my arms. I screamed like mad, my heart stopped for a moment and I thought that I was going to die on the spot, until I heard a laugh.

The person who jumped out of the bushes to scare me was none other than Fred Weasley himself.

"Tell me, are you out of your mind? I was worried about you and now you've nearly scared me to death!", I grumbled at Fred.

"Don't be mad, Anna. That was funny, wasn't it?" he laughed and turned me to face him, his arms still wrapped around me.

"I thought you were dead, Fred. I was worried," I said to him a little more softly now. His hug calmed me down a bit, but at the same time I became excited because we were so close.

"That's sweet of you but you don't have to worry about me. I would never leave you alone.", Fred murmured and looked deep into my blue eyes and to my mouth, always alternating his gaze jumping back and forth.

My heart beat faster and faster as Fred and I drew closer but when we heard a loud rustling sound we both startled and looked in the direction it came from.

"There you are. I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing out here by Aunt Cedrella's old hut anyway?" George came crawling out of the thicket of the forest and I was relieved and crestfallen at the same time.

Relieved because it was George and not an animal that would kill us but crestfallen because he ruined the moment between me and Fred.

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