Shuichi looked down at his feet before responding. "I was training with Kaito and Maki out in the courtyard. That's also the reason as to why I slept past the announcement. My body was too sore since we did extra excercises last night. You can ask them to comfirm it." He added after a while.

"I went to sleep earlier than the nighttime announcement. Since I was planning to wake up early to play piano, I figured I should sleep earlier than usual. That way, I wouldn't  be sleepy the next morning." Kaede said. If she was telling the truth, her statements backed up each other. It seemed perfect. Too perfect even.

"Okay, thanks for your time!" He ran off, breaking the arrangement that they had made. Shuichi called out to him, telling him to stop.

"Shuichi, it's okay!" Kaede said positively as she grabbed his hand to keep him from following Kokichi.

Shuichi looked at her confused for a second before nodding.

Kokichi looked back to make sure that they won't following him and was suprised to see that they weren't. Oh well, better for him.

Kokichi figured he should go the gym next. After all, that was where the motive was at. Plus, he may find more people to question on the way.

As he was making his way to the gym, he was met with Miu and Korekiyo. They seemed to be heading to the same direction. As people say, if he were to question them, it'd be like killing two Monokumas with one stone.

Kokichi walked up to them and stopped them in their path. They looked at him confused before figuring out that he wanted to question them.

"Stop staring at me. I know that I'm beautiful already." Miu said, annoying Kokichi.

"Shut it, you rip-off Teruteru." He turned to look at Kiyo, ignoring Miu all together. "Hey Kiyo, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?"

"Not at all." Kiyo responded. "The beauty I'll see in the trial... how exciting." He seemed to have gotten off topic for a little bit, so Kokichi had to hurry up and ask him the questions.

"Okay Kiyo. Where were you at the time of the murder, as well as during nighttime yesterday?" Kokichi looked at Miu who just squeaked. "I'll ask you the same question, so start thinking of an answer you horny rabbit."

"Yesterday and this morning, hmm?" Kiyo thought about it for a while before responding. "Yesterday, or last night as some people say, I was sleeping. I went to bed the moment the nighttime announcement rang. As for this morning, I stayed in my room even after the announcement rang. I was memorizing some ancient seances for future reference. Does this answer your questions?"

"Yea, it does." Kokichi replied as Kiyo nodded and left. Kokichi turned to looks at Miu. "It's your turn now. Answer the same questions I asked Kiyo.

"What I was doing last night, huh? I bet you probably just want to think of me doing stuff last night on your next "me time", huh?" Kokichi glared at her angrily making Miu squeak. "S-stop g-glaring at me! Fine, okay! I was with Kiibo since 7:20am! He went to my lab to uh... work on repairs, if you know what I mean. As for what I was doing last night, I was inventing possible repairs for Kiibo. I barely got two hours of sleep! Are you happy now?!"

Kokichi looked at her with a small smile. "Yes, I am satisfied. Happy investigating!"

Kokichi left Miu and quickly walked on over to the gym. He figured the gym must be the best place to find clues, since that was where the motive was at anyway. Maybe the perpetrator had left something that would lead the crime to them.

When Kokichi entered the room, he was met with 3 different people. Well, not really, since there was a robot in there. He didn't count as "people", but oh well.

He decided he would go talk to Himiko and Tenko first. He couldn't talk to Himiko on his own, and if he were to try to talk to Tenko on his own, he probably wouldn't get an answer. So, he figured that the best way was to talk to them both at once.

"Tenko, Himiko, mind if I ask you both a couple questions?" Kokichi walked up to them, hands behind his back.

Tenko was in the middle of saying of course not! but was interrupted by Himiko. "Nyeh, sure. If we investigate properly... maybe we'll be able to bring Angie's killer to light. I would use my magic, but I'm low on mana, nyeh."

Tenko looked at her horrified before turning back to Kokichi. "If Himiko agrees then... you can ask us questions. But don't get too cocky, you male!"

Kokichi ignored that last comment and smiled. "Great! Now, what were you two doing at the time of death and during nighttime yesterday?"

Himiko thought about it before responding. "Last night... I didn't really sleep much. Nyeh, since the phone was used, I was scared that someone would try to kill me. Because of this, I slept past the morning announcement."

"Himiko! If you couldn't sleep, you should've told me so! I could've went into you-" Tenko stopped talking when she realized that Kokichi was still there. He shot her a unimpressed expression. "If you must know, I went to sleep as soon as the nighttime announcement rang. I woke up at 6am to workout. My master used to say that waking up early is best for your spirits!"

Kokichi thanked them for their time and walked on over to Kiibo. He could already tell that this was going to be difficult.

"Helloo. I'm going to ask you a couple of questions, okay? Okay! Lets start." He gave Kiibo no time to prepare himself. "Okay, first question! What were you doing last night?"

Kiibo appeared startled for a moment before responding. "I was charging. I was running low on battery, so I needed to charge myself."

Kokichi looked at him slightly before nodding. "Next question! What were you doing at the time of the murder?"

Kiibo didn't hesitate while responding. "I was with Miu. She was working on some repairs for me. You could ask her for confirmation."

"Ask her what? Do I ask her if you have a dick?" Kokichi ran off laughing before Kiibo could start saying that he was robophobic, and that he'll see him in court.

He exited the gym and looked around the little area. He had been thinking about the glass he had seen, and had been wondering where it was tooken from. The only place he could think of was the warehouse. And maybe, just maybe, he could find a missing glass bottle in there. That could help out in the class trial.

With a goal in mind, Kokichi entered the warehouse. He scanned the shelfs, looking for any glass bottle. He was immensely disappointed to find none.

But this did rise a question. Where did the glass shards come from?

The answer could very well change the outcome of the trial.

The Fear of the Past //Saiouma (Pregame)Where stories live. Discover now