Group Project

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"Welcome to your sixth year of Defense Against the Dark Arts!" said just about the thinnest man Sarah had ever seen. Though he was rather short, he had long arms and legs that flung about like frightened spaghetti noodles when he moved. In fact, everything about this man, from his sparse, yellow mustache to his sallow complexion, reminded Sarah of boiled pasta.

"I am Professor Valdibrone," said the wizard, the giant sleeve of his bright orange robes swatting him in the face as he gestured to himself. It seemed that due to his small, pale form, Valdibrone hoped that dressing in flashy colors would let the public know he was there. "As this is our first time together, I'd like to get a feel for what you've learned so far in the subject. So, for today's lesson, I'd like you all to get into pairs and come up with a topic for an oral report on some form of dark magic--be it curse or creature--and the proper way to defend against it."

Everyone scrambled to find partners. Barnaby flashed a wide smile at Sarah, but she shook her head. "You should work with Rowan. You always find ways to distract me and we never get anything done."

He grinned coyly. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Just a moment," Valdibrone called over the din. His noodle arm shook as he held up a finger to stop them. "I'll choose the partners, shall I? We must get used to working with people we aren't usually accustomed to. After all, we can't always choose our partners in life, can we?"

Barnaby gave her a confused look. "I bloody well hope we can."

Sarah smiled as she shushed him. The professor's voice didn't carry far. 

Valdibrone adjusted his pea-green bowtie as he scanned the clipboard containing the role. "Let's see...Rowan Khanna?" Rowan raised her hand. "You're partner shall be...Jae Kim."

Rowan tried to bear her disappointment with dignity, while from the back of the room they heard Jae whisper, "Nice! Paired up with the smart kid!" She glanced back to see Jae rest his feet on his desk, already visualizing the easy grade. 

"Talbott Winger," Valdibrone continued, "your partner shall be...Barnaby Lee."

Barnaby sat up like an excited puppy and turned to wave at Talbot. Talbott nodded. Behind his constant aloof expression, Sarah could read the anxiety on his face. 

So far, it looked like Validbrone was purposefully picking the worst pairings he could find. So, when he called, "Sarah Spellman," she muttered "Let me guess..." Sarah mouthed the name simultaneously with Valdibrone as he called it out.

"Merula Snyde."

Of course. Sarah glanced over at Merula, who didn't acknowledge her in any way. 

When all the pairings had been decided, Valdibrone dismissed them to find their partners and get to work. Sarah took the seat vacated by Ismelda, who barreled off angrily to join an equally disgruntled Tonks. 

"Alright, a report on DADA," said Sarah, flicking through her textbook. "It'd probably be good to do something practical that people are more likely to come across. Perhaps redcaps or hinkypunks?"

"Stupid idea," Merula muttered, not looking at Sarah. 

Sarah forced herself to remain calm as she felt the blood pulsing in her temples. To think that only a couple months ago, they'd called each other "friend."

"What do you suggest, then?"

"How about the killing curse?"

"Wouldn't be much of a report," said Sarah. "There's no way to defend against the killing curse."

Merula's eyes finally met hers as she offered Sarah an impish grin. "No, but I could demonstrate that to the class by using it on you."

Sarah ignored her. She looked through the book and listed off possible topic ideas, Merula scoffing or rolling her eyes at each of them in turn. 

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