Tonk's Gift

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"I can't believe you're in a rock band!" squealed Tonks. 

Sarah rolled her eyes and shifted in the uncomfortable outfit. She wore tight pants of black leather, high-heeled black boots, and a black jacket with an absurd amount of black fur attached to the shoulders. 

"I'm not in a rock band, Tonks. I'm just helping out Myron so he'll give me the black quill he found," said Sarah. 

"Sarah, this is quite possibly the coolest thing you will ever do," said Tonks. "Savor it! Just think, one day when the Weird Sisters become famous, you'll be able to say you were part of the band!"

Sarah chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm. Sarah liked the Weird Sisters, and she was flattered that they were such big fans of hers that they wanted her to be in their first concert to help with their credibility (even if it was because of her reputation as being cursed), but she wasn't sure if they had the potential to actually become famous. They were just really...weird. 

"We better go," said Sarah, checking her watch. "It's supposed to start soon."

"Hang on," said Tonks, stepping back and giving Sarah an appraising look. "Your outfit is missing something."


"Oh shut it, you look cool." She snapped her fingers. "I've got it!" Pulling out her wand, Tonks pointed at Sarah's head. "Crinus Munto."

A strange sensation overcame Sarah as her long hair shot upwards as if retreating back into her skull, the dark blonde lightening as it wound up until she could no longer see it. 

"What'd you do?" Sarah asked when the sensation ceased. She reached up and felt short and spiky locks. 

Tonks grinned. "Perfect! Now I can pretend I'm on stage with you."

Sarah walked over to a broken mirror in the artefact room to find that Tonks had transfigured her hair into a pink, spiky mess exactly like hers. 

Sarah laughed. "I love it!"

""Course you do. It's the perfect look. C'mon," said Tonks, opening the door to the corridor. "We wouldn't want you to be late for your first concert."

"First and last," said Sarah, hurrying after her. 

As they made their way to the training grounds, Sarah felt the nerves hit her. Not the same nerves that came when entering a cursed vault, when she was worried about her or her friends getting hurt or finding her brother dead on the floor. These nerves were similar to the ones she'd had when she'd asked Barnaby out on her first date; the kind that were somehow worse. 

She told herself not to worry; she was just there complete Myron's vision for a dark, disturbing spectacle. Having a cursed kid on stage was apparently essential. All she had to to was stand there and pretend to play the bewitched bass that already new all the songs. 

Still, the nerves tumbled violently in her stomach and threatened to force themselves up and out her mouth as they stepped outside and she saw the crowd of students surrounding the stage. She was suddenly glad for the choker necklace constricting her throat; perhaps it would keep any vomit down. 

Tonks gave an excited little hop. "This is going to be excellent! I'm going to be waiting for you in the front row to catch you when you stage dive!"

Sarah's stomach squirmed again. "I'm not going to stage dive."

"You say that now," said Tonks. "But wait until your up onstage, caught in the moment and the loud music and the cheers."

Sarah glanced at the stage and noticed Myron standing up at the mic and beckoning her to join them.

"Good luck!" said Tonks. She patted Sarah on the back and said, "I'm best friends with a rock star!" before hurrying off to join the ground. 

Sarah felt like someone had transfigured her legs into those of a plimpy as she climbed up the stairs to join the Weird Sisters on stage. Gazing out at the crowd, she saw most of her friends among the many students. Tonks was indeed at the front and center, and gathered around her Sarah saw Rowan, Tulip, Barnaby, Penny, Charlie, Jae, and even Talbott. Good, she would just make sure only to look at them. She could handle embarrassing herself in front of them. 

"You ready?" Myron asked, bedecked in his own tight, black leather outfit. 

"As I'll ever be," she said. She walked over to her bewitched bass.

Orsino was already seated in front of his drum kit in his cheetah-print jacket, and Kirley picked up his guitar and put the strap over his shoulder. 

Myron stepped up to the mic. "Hello, Hogwarts!" he shouted, and the students in the crowd clapped and whooped. "Welcome to our first concert. On the drums we have Orsino Thurston!" Orison played a quick beat on his drums. "Our lead guitarist is Kirley McCormack Duke!" Kirley screeched his guitar to an uproar in the applause. "On the bass is Sarah Spellman!" Sarah gave the crowd an awkward wave, feeling the cold sweat form on her body. 

"GO SARAH!" Tonks screamed above the rest of the crowd. Sarah grinned. 

"And I'm Myron Wagtail. Together, we're the Weird Sisters! Are you ready to rock?"

The crowd cheered again. Orsino tapped his drumsticks together three times and they began to play. Sarah's magical bass strummed and plucked away, and she did her best to make it look like her hands were doing the work, though it was dark enough outside that she was hopeful no one could tell the difference. 

As they played, Sarah realized it was the first time she'd actually heard the Weird Sisters perform and they were actually pretty good. The crowd cheered and danced along, enjoying the music just as much as enjoying a chance to make a good deal of noise. Flitwick was even clapping along from atop his high stool in the back where he was supervising. 

At Myron's cue, Sarah swallowed the vial of fire-breathing potion they'd made earlier and spat flames above the crowd. The audience went absolutely nuts. Sarah felt the nerves leave her, and resisted the urge of her legs to leap off the stage and let the students carry her in the air in stage dive. 

She chuckled to herself. Maybe it was a side-effect of the crazy hair. 


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