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"Remind me again why we're not having our first Divination Class until our sixth year," said Tonks, as she plopped down at one of the little round tables next to Sarah.

"Because we've been busy taking forced flying lessons for six years even though we're all adept flyers?" Sarah guessed flatly. She had her elbows on the table and her chin resting on her fists as she stared blankly into the swirling mist of the crystal ball on their table.

The classroom was warm because of the crackling fire. The air was thick with pleasantly scented fumes, and the cushion she sat on was plump and comfortable. It all made her sleepy. Though that was no doubt partly due to the fact that she'd stayed up all night investigating the new curse that had been unleased on the school.

The bell rang. A heavy thud sounded, indicating that someone had closed the trap door. A woman stepped forward to the front of the room. She was dressed in many layers of ragged shawls. Beads hung all over her body--around her neck and wrists, dangling from her ears and her shawls. The woman had orange hair that was so bushy it made her nearly a foot taller, and she wore big glasses that magnified her eyes by a hundred times, giving her the look of a surprised fly.

"Broaden your minds!" she yelled, making several of the students jump.

Sarah wondered if this woman had attended W.A.D.A., the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts. Every word, step, and gesture seemed to be designed to captivate the audience.

"I'm Professor Trelawney, and today, you embark with me on a journey to unlock the inner eye, to pass the boundaries of the unknown, to learn if you possess...the sight!"

Professor Trelawney paused, sweeping her buggy eyes so they stared into the inner eye of each of them.

"So tell me, all of you, what brings you to the top of North Tower today? Which of the fates summoned you to learn what I have to teach?"

"Doesn't she already know that?" Barnaby said from a couple tables behind Sarah.

Talbott chuckled. Tonks and Sarah shared smug grins, but Trelawney was less than amused. Her dramatic tone dropped for an instant and she forgot to stride gracefully when she stepped forward.

"Of course I know why you are all here. But it is good to say these things out loud, to state your intentions to yourselves and to your fellow classmates. It gives the room clarity. So, why are you here, boy?"

"Umm," said Barnaby. "Because I didn't want to take Magic Math, and also Sarah's here."

The students laughed again. Sarah smiled, remembering the end of last term when the fifth years had to sign up for the following year's courses.


"What's all this rubbish?"  Barnaby bellowed, slamming his course sign-up sheet on the table next to Sarah and Rowan. "We just passed our OWLs, didn't we? We've done those classes. Surely, we get to take fewer classes next year, not more!"

 He sat down on the bench to the right of Sarah with a huff. The Great Hall was full of students, each deciding which courses they would be taking the following term, now that another year and exams were behind them. 

"I'm afraid that's not how it works, B," said Sarah, giving him a pat on the hand. "You've proven you're accomplished at your previous subjects, so now its time to broaden your horizons and take on more."

Barnaby groaned and placed his head on the table. He muttered unhappily, his words muffled by the wood. 

"Nonsense, your teachers always have your best interests at heart," said Rowan, without looking up from her schedule. "They aren't trying to torture you." Both she and Sarah were fluent in the language know as Barnaby Table Mutter. They'd spent countless hours listening to it as they helped him study this year. 

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