Rowan's Gift

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A/N: Hello, everyone! For the next few one shots, I will be writing a scene of what happens when you reach Max Level Friendship with each friend in the game. In the game, you get a clothing item, but there's no interaction. I'll be writing how I like to think the interactions between the characters went down when MC receives the gift. Enjoy!

Sarah sat across from Rowan at the Gryffindor table during study hall, each too embarrassed to speak for a moment.

"I'm really sorry about not going with you back into the ice vault," Rowan said at last. "You must think I'm such a coward."

"Of course I don't!" exclaimed Sarah. "I'm the one who should be sorry, Rowan. If it wasn't for me insisting we explore the vanished staircase, you wouldn't have been struck by cursed ice and put in the hospital wing." Sarah looked down at the table, ashamed. "I want to find the vaults and my brother, but not if it means my friends get hurt."

"It's okay, Sarah. Really," said Rowan. "I've always been happy to help you with the vaults. I know you'd do the same for me. But let's face it, I'm just not strong enough for curses like this."

"You're very strong, Rowan," said Sarah, but she had to admit to herself that Rowan had a point. Rowan was hands down the smartest student at Hogwarts, even as only a second-year, but her natural magical ability and instincts couldn't match Sarah's.

"But, I won't ever ask you to go into a vault with me again," said Sarah. "Though I don't think I'm strong enough to go back in alone, either."

Rowan finally perked up. "That's where I can help you! Through a combination of exhaustive research and listening to the latest gossip, I've already determined the perfect person to replace me as your accomplice for breaking into the vault."

Sarah chuckled. "Fair enough. Who?"

"Bill Weasley!"

"Never heard of him."

"How have you never heard of Bill Weasley!? He's the pride of Gryffindor! He's a couple years ahead of us, and he's like the most popular boy in school. He's the best and bravest in his year, and everyone says he'll be head boy some day. He's also quite brave and good looking..."

"Ooh, does someone have a crush?" Sarah asked.

"Of course not!" Rowan spluttered, but the color rose in her face. "I just admire his skills..."

Sarah laughed. "I'll bet. Okay, I'll go find this Bill Weasley and see if he'd be willing to help me."

Rowan raised her eyebrows. "Just like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you wanna...change clothes or something?"

"Why?" asked Sarah. "I'm wearing my school robes, just like everybody else."

"Exactly!" said Rowan. "Do you know how many girls approach Bill Weasley? You need to stand out."

"I don't know..."

"Trust me, I've made a comprehensive list of tactics to get Bill Weasley's attention."

"Because you 'admire his skills,'" said Sarah with a sly smile.

"Just come on," said Rowan, and the two hurried from the Great Hall to the Gryffindor Common Room.

Rowan wanted Sarah to wear a flashy dress, but Sarah insisted on dressing more practically, and ended up throwing on her red jumper emblazoned with the Gryffindor house crest along with her skinny jeans and a comfortable pair of trainers.

"At least you'll look different than most people out on the training grounds," said Rowan thoughtfully. "But you need one more thing..."

Rowan reached into top drawer of her dresser and pulled out a pair of glasses exactly like the ones she was wearing.

"I don't need glasses," said Sarah.

"I know," said Rowan, putting them in Sarah's hands, "these don't have lenses. They're an old pair that broke after Merula cast the knock-back jinx on me."

Sarah looked down at the glasses. "You really think a busted pair of glasses will get Bill Weasley to want to help me?"

Rowan nodded. "You gave me great fashion advice when we first met when you told me to buy that scholarly scarf. I'm now returning the favor." She leaned closer and put her hand next to her mouth, despite the fact that she and Sarah were the only two people in the dormitory. "These glasses are boy magnets."

Sarah burst out laughing. "What?"

"It's true!" said Rowan. "I can't tell you how many times boys have come up to me in the library or the common room. They always pretend they want me to help them study, but I can tell they just use it as an excuse to talk to me. And it's all thanks to these babies." She adjusted her own pair of glasses with a smirk. "I'm twice as attractive when I'm wearing them. They're the perfect accessory."

Sarah didn't know how to respond to this, so she just slipped the glasses on.

"Huh," said Rowan. "I pull them off a lot better than you. But you still look great!" she added, taking Sarah's arm to stop her from pulling the glasses off. "Bill Weasley won't be able to resist helping you out."

Sarah seriously doubted this, but she didn't want to hurt Rowan's feelings. She could tell that as much as Rowan wanted to help her get to know Bill Weasley, she was also trying to present Sarah with a gift to make amends for her refusal to re-enter the ice vault.

"Thanks, Rowan. They really are nice glasses. I've always thought you looked great in them," she said truthfully. Rowan smiled widely. "Well, I'm suppose I'm off to meet the famous Bill Weasley."

"Good luck!" said Rowan. "Meet me back in the common room to tell me all about it!"

Sarah nodded and headed out to find Bill, chuckling to herself. She couldn't imagine how different her life at Hogwarts would be if she hadn't met Rowan Khanna.

Stories from the Vault - Hogwarts Mystery One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें