Dance-off (part 1)

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The Three Broomsticks bustled with the excited energy it always did on Hogsmeade weekends, especially as this was the last one before the Christmas holidays. Packs of students crammed into booths to take the cold sting out of their faces with warm butterbeer, and to chat about the gifts they'd bought. 

Into the cheery atmosphere walked two Gryffindors. The taller of the two stood up on tip toes, trying to peer among the crowd for a couple of empty seats. 

"Should've left earlier," she muttered in I-told-you-so fashion, but Rowan's teacher-honed ears caught it. 

"Should've finished your History of Magic study guide yesterday," she answered in the same condescending tone. "We wouldn't be so behind if you'd just follow the study schedule I made you." 

Sarah shrugged in acknowledgement, then grabbed Rowan's shoulder. "I see a table!"

She lead Rowan around the groups of milling patrons toward a small table nestled in the back corner of the tavern, but stopped when she saw Madam Rosmerta waving to her from behind the bar. 

"I'll save our seats," said Rowan.

She hurried off while Sarah squeezed between a beefy wizard that would've given Hagrid a run for his money and a group of Ravenclaws consoling their friend, who'd apparently received a disappointing Christmas gift, for a spot at the bar. 

"I mean, what does a single pair of socks after six months even say about a relationship?" Sarah heard the girl sniffle. 

"Sarah love, I've got this for you." Madam Rosmerta pulled a folded piece of parchment from the breast pocket of her robes. 

"What's this?" she asked as she unfolded it. 

"Rules and such for the competition," she explained, holding a hand up to the large wizard, who had his glass held up for a refill. "You're the only contestant who hasn't signed it yet." 

"Competition? What competition?"

Rosmerta raised an eyebrow. "The dance competition of course." 

"I didn't sign up for any--" 

But Rosmerta was now engaged with the  beefy wizard. 

Perplexed, Sarah took the parchment over to her and Rowan's table. 

"Where's the butterbeer?" asked Rowan. 

"What?" Sarah looked up from the parchment. "Oh, I forgot." 

"How does one go to a bar and forget to order?" Rowans shook her head, grinning. "Your as bad as Barnaby sometimes." 

"Sorry, I got distracted. Here, look at this."

She took a seat as she handed the parchment over. 

"'Congratulations on joining the first Three Broomsticks Dance-off?'" Rowan read. "I didn't know you were a dancer." 

"I'm not. Someone else has obviously signed me up." 

"Who?" asked Rowan. "Is Tulip pranking you again?"

Sarah frowned. "Doubt it. It's not a very good prank. All I have to do is tell Madam Rosmerta I don't want to be in the contest." 

Rowan held up the parchment again. "It says here you dance with a partner. Did Madam Rosmerta mention who you' partner was?"

Sarah rubbed her face with a sigh. "Diego."


"He's been trying to get me to go to a dance with him forever. I'll bet he's behind this. Any idea where he is?"

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