Bill's Gift

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Sarah delighted to see the Great Hall packed with students again after the Christmas Holidays. It was always a relief to come back to school for the new term, even with the constant bullying of Merula and threat of cursed vaults. Sarah loved her parents, and she knew they loved her too, but their relationship had become somewhat strained since Jacob disappeared. His absence was most strongly felt during Chrismas, and Sarah's parents scolded her and begged her not to follow in his footsteps and pursue the vaults.

Rowan was excitedly chattering away at the breakfast table, telling about how her family had decorated all the trees on the farm for Christmas, when Sarah felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Happy Christmas!" said Bill Weasley, holding out a lumpy, wrapped package.

Sarah grinned at him. Bill had been vital in helping Sarah break into the first vault and free the students trapped in ice last year, and even though he was two years older than her, they had quickly become close friends.

"Oh Bill, you didn't have to get me anything," said Sarah sheepishly, taking the package. It was soft like a blanket or a jumper. "I'm afraid I've got nothing to give you."

"Don't worry about it," said Bill, taking a seat next to her and piling his plate with bacon. "It's not from me anyway. It's from my mum."

"Your mum got me a present?"

"Yeah," said Bill. "I've told her all about you and about how you'd become like a sister to me, so she insisted on giving you what she gives all her children each year."

"That's so sweet of her," said Sarah.

"I'd hold off saying that until you open it," said Bill. "Go on, then."

Sarah pushed her plate aside and tore at the wrapping. It was in fact a hand-knit jumper, Gryffindor scarlet with a large gold 'W' on the front.

"Wow, this is brilliant," said Sarah, slipping the jumper on over her robes. "Fits perfectly." She hugged herself, taking in the warmth of the sweater. "Give Mrs. Weasley my thanks, Bill."

"I will, but you don't have to wear it if you don't want to. Mum's not here to see you," he said. 

"Are  you kidding? This is my new favorite jumper!" she said. "You, me, and Charlie should all wear them so we can coordinate."

Bill rolled his eyes. 

Rowan, who'd been as shell-shocked as she always was whenever Bill was near, snapped out of her frozen state to ask, "What's the 'W' for?"

"Weakling," said Bill. "You know, 'cause you're useless at dealing with the cursed vaults without my help."

Sarah gave him a playful punch on the arm. "I'll show you who the weakling is, Weasley. Up for another duel?"

"Please no," said Bill, holding up his hands in surrender. "The 'W' stands for Weasley, obviously. I guess your an honorary member of the family now. And my mum insisted I invite you over next Christmas."

"Thanks," said Sarah again. "That sounds brilliant."

Bill stood up. "Well, I want to keep an eye on the first years as they head to Herbology. Don't want anymore of these cursed boggarts sneaking up on them. They've been traumatized enough as it is."

"See you," said Sarah and Rowan together.

"You two stay out of trouble, alright?" he said with a mock-stern look, tapping his prefect badge.

"Always do," said Sarah with a grin.

"Always do," said Sarah with a grin

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