Oily Bits..

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Like a wave, oiled tracked war machines of the eighth Cadian armored regiment split into their battle companies and spread out in a large gun line of two layers, like a metal wall they advanced. At the front of this were the teeth triangle formations of Predators and land raiders as the Emperor's truth, took to the front to be the scalpel that will cut holes in the enemy battle lines rear. Soon the thunder hawk air support and transports shot forward flying over the battle lines and lended aid to the ad-mech and first Cadian heavy shock companies that defended my computer desk and bookshelves.

Like a wave of Angels the sisters used their jetpacks to insert themselves on the higher shelves of my book cases to fire down on the throngs of enemy's that surged against the wall of hell gun fire. I squinted at the guardsmen on the bottom shelves and noticed that they were no meager guardsmen, no they all were uniformly in carapace armor with hell guns. 'Damn so that's what it is like to watch the elite kasrkin stormtroopers in action' I felt aw stricken at the sight.

The kasrkin were the most elite men and women of Cadia and were second best only to the tempestus scions. Like the well oiled machines of the ad-mech the kasrkin fought efficiently and quickly always moving from cover to cover and never being locked down. They ran circles around every traitor force that advanced towards them, and completely crushed them.

They were led by a Lieutenant in a beret, next to her was a commissar wielding a chain sword and bolt pistol. She was one of my actually named characters, commissar Sanki dovani. She was originally from Vostroya and was the commissar of one of their legendary first born regimens, her regiment was deployed to cadia when the thirteenth black crusade was on its way. 

Her regiment held out against all odds defending one of the most important space ports on cadia, this single space port could unload the massive Collegia Titanica war titans from their transports in safety

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Her regiment held out against all odds defending one of the most important space ports on cadia, this single space port could unload the massive Collegia Titanica war titans from their transports in safety. It came under assault from black legion chaos marines the moment Abadon tried to assassinate creed in his command bunker, this kicked off the full war for cadia. Against the marines they fought like mad men taking down squads of marines in exchange for full companies of guardsmen, in the end after days of fighting only Sanki dovani was left standing with one eye lost to a traitor marines combat knife.

Knowing this space ports importance creed had sent the kasrkin first shock trooper regiment to clear it out and hold it till reinforcements arrived, what they found was the only commissar left of five regiments of Vastroyian firstborn left standing on a literal hill of dead bodies holding the standard of her now dead regiment high. Because of the sacrifices the black legion strike force was halted at the last line of defence before they could step into the spaceport proper.

Seeing that her regiment was gone she attached herself to the kasrkin and with her unyielding soul she helped lead them to reclaiming the defences and securing the space port, she would latter with the full weight of her new kasrkin regiment aid in the assault on

Abaddon with the heroes of the imperium. Her regiment had successfully drawn out the black guard terminators that Guard the war master keeping them occupied allowing the strike force led by saint Celestine to attempt to end the crusade there and then. 

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