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With the sisters at my back and their screen of seraphim hovering around me as A protective screen I slowly advanced down my short hallway of sixteen feet. As I came close to the downstairs bathroom I slowly pie around the door frame before taking sight of the small battle happening inside.

Standing in the center of the medium sized bathroom was a chaos knight crusader armed with two Avenger Gatling Cannon, with what seemed like apocalypse missile pods mounted on its upper back. It was laying down a wave of suppression against the small bath tub that was in the back of the bathroom, its target was a full company of scouts that stayed in cover behind the lip of the tub. 

'Clever use of the terrain.' I commented to myself mentally, they were using the hovering land speeders to their advantage just keeping the majority of the vehicle hidden below the lip of the tub while allowing the more heavily armed scouts to take pot shots at the titan class walker. 

Under normal conditions this death by bug bites tactics would be the best solution for dealing with such enemies, especially for the weakly armed scouts. However the damn knight had the apocalypse missile rack mounted, with that weapon alone it could cut the scouts numbers in half with the first salvo. Which is what it was about to do now as it stopped firing its main armaments, widening its stance the rack on its back unlocked itself and raised by a couple of degrees. 

'Not on my watch.' I mentally declared. 

I brought my nine mill up and sighted the knight, with a squeeze a round was sent out with the crack of the recoil announcing my presence. The round cut the distance in a second impacting the knight, to my dismay a purple crackling void shield flared on impact tanking the round. The force however still made the knight stumble forward fudging the missiles trajectory, they launched and impacted the front of the tub blowing holes in it and melting the plastic. 

I was annoyed by the destruction of my bathtub, ' Add that to the list of things I have to fix.' I mentally added to my check list of repairs I had to do to my home. What annoyed me more was the shield this knight had, all knights had a single directional type ion shield. This type required the piolet to have foresight on where he wanted his shield to be before hand to soften any blow the small titian would receive, how ever the knight had no clue I and the sisters had appeared behind him. Which lead me to one conclusion, this knight has an omni-directional void shield. 

These types were ever only mounted on larger and slower titians like the war-houd, reaver, warlord, and Emperor class titians. The knight class was deemed agile enough to only need a one direction type void shield mounted to it, this type would allow only a one hundred eighty degree area to be covered by the shield. Like all types of void shielding it only came with one layer, how ever omni-directional shields had multiple layers allowing them to absorb huge amounts of damage before shattering and needing to be recharged. 

How ever knowing how many layers a void shield had was next to impossible unless you knew the pilot or the machine by heart, it could have anywhere between one to five full layers of shielding. The strength of the shield was also another issue, this knight tanked a nine millimeter bullet and all it did was stagger it. As for seeing the damage to the shielding I was to shocked to perceive how much damage the one round did, one thing was certain if you wanted to compare the destructive power of my small nine mill rounds to their size and scale my ammo would be considered a light macro round fired by light planetary defenses and light cruiser class imperial ships. 

'This shield is strong enough to tank void ship grade fire at the minimum, which means it would at least be a warlord tier of void shield mounted on that knight' my mentally reasoning worked in over drive. The knight after getting smacked in the back with a light macro round equivalent stabilized its self before turn at the waist to take in my form and small army of sisters currently staring it down from the door frame. It screeched a mechanical scream that also sounded way to biological as well.

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