The Unofficial Date

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(Alright, so this chapter is also going to be in Connor's P.O.V., I originally wanted to make the last part and this one just one giant mess of a chapter, but it ended up being too long, so this was the next best thing! Anyway I hope you've been satisfied with the story so far and I'll let you back to reading <3)

It was around ten when Connor pulled into the Denny's parking lot. He knew Evan wouldn't be able to hold down a lot of food, but they needed to get something in him and this had been the closest place Connor could find that was still open. 

As the car turned off, the constant thrumming of the motor and whirring of the air vent were replaced by the soft sound of Evan's steady breathing. He was asleep again. Connor debated letting him sleep and simply getting the food to go. Evan could eat when he got home. 

But he wouldn't. 

Isn't that why they were here? Why were they here anyway? Why did he care so much?   

These questions ran on loop through Connor's head as he gently reached over and shook Evan awake. His eyes slowly opened as he looked over at Connor.  

"What are we doing?" he asked. His voice was groggy and tired. Not responding, Connor unbuckled both their seat belts before getting out of the car. When Evan made no move to do the same, he walked to the other side and opened the passenger door for him.  

"Hurry the fuck up, Hansen." 

Evan scrambled out of the car the best he could with a broken arm, and followed Connor across the parking lot and into the building. Connor hadn't been to a Denny's in years. It held a sense of nostalgia for him, since this was the place his family would drag him to every Saturday night. But that was before his father's business became successful and eating at a place like this was beneath them. 

Thankfully, it wasn't beneath Connor. 

Evan sat at a random booth, and Connor took the seat across from him. 

"Are you going to tell me why we're here?" Evan mumbled, playing with the small packets of sugar at the end of the table. 

"Well since your tired ass was already half passed out when I told you, I'll tell you again. You're going to eat something, I'm going to pay for it, and then we can both go home and get on with our lives." 


"This is not debatable. Now shut up and act normal, someone's coming over here." 

He didn't give Evan another opportunity to protest as someone came over to take their order. Connor ordered Evan an omelet and some toast, and himself a black coffee. He wasn't all that hungry but caffeine was something he would never pass up. 

As the waiter retreated, Evan and Connor once again settled into an awkward silence. This didn't bother Connor much, but despite how hard Evan was trying to hide it, he was clearly struggling.   

In order to lighten the situation, Connor asked the first question that came into his brain. 

"How'd you break your arm?" 

"W-what?" Evan looked up, clearly not expecting Connor to make any attempt at a conversation. His mouth was opening and closing in an attempt to speak, almost like a fish. The waiter came to his temporary rescue as they were handed their drinks. 

Evan quickly started drinking his chocolate milk, looking down at the table. Connor took a long sip of his coffee, waiting to see if Evan would answer.  

When he didn't, Connor put down his coffee and asked again. 

"Evan, how did you break your arm?"  

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