Only Us For Forever

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Evan waited outside the church for Connor to pick him up. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. He was still waiting when the last person left the building, letting out a sigh. 

Where was Connor? 

Evan felt his heart stumble, worry building inside of him. Where was Connor? It wasn't like him to leave Evan alone like this, not unless something was very, very wrong. He didn't know how he was going to get out of here, his mom was at work, Christine had already gone home, and Connor wasn't responding to any of his texts. Evan's eyes then trailed over to the person who was locking up the door to the church. 

No, he couldn't do it. Even at the thought his hands were becoming sweaty and he felt his heart thumping. But Connor needed help, and Evan was no use to him standing here, being an anxious, useless mess. He slowly moved towards the stranger, looking down at the ground and twisting his hands together nervously. 

"U-um, excuse, uh- excuse m-me, I-I'm so sorry to, um, b-bother you-" Evan stuttered out when he reached the person. They turned around and Evan saw it was a girl who appeared to be around his age, dressed in nothing but black. She frowned slightly when she saw him. 


"I-, um, my b-boyfriend isn't able to p-pick me up and I w-was, uh, I was wondering i-if maybe you could give me a r-ride?" Nope, Evan couldn't do this. Shaking his head and looking at the ground, he began to slowly back away. "Nevermind, I-I-I shouldn't have b-bothered you, s-sorry."  

"Wait, no!" she called and Evan looked up. "I-I'll give you a ride." 

"Oh, um, th-thank you." 

"No problem, I'm Lydia, by the way." The girl said, sticking out her hand for Evan to shake. He quickly wiped his hands on his pants, trying to erase the very evident signs of his nervousness. Evan reached for her hand, but stopped half way, second guessing himself, and Lydia just put her hand down, but he felt bad so he ended up just giving her a weird shoulder pat. 

"U-uh, I'm so sorry that was weird, I-I'm Evan."                  

"Well, Evan, let's get outta here, shall we?" 

He didn't respond as they began walking towards what he assumed was her car. Evan slid in silently, staring out the window. Neither teen said a word, and though the awkward tension held thick in the air, Evan was grateful. He wasn't in the mood to talk, not when everything that could possibly be going on with Connor right now was running a marathon through his head. 

"So... why couldn't your boyfriend pick you up?" Lydia asked, pulling out of the parking lot. 

"I-I'm, uh, I'm not sure." Evan said, looking over to the girl seated beside him. 

"He didn't tell you? Shitty move." She mumbled. Evan's heart raced and he opened his mouth, prepared to defend Connor at all costs. 

"N-no! A-actually, um, Connor, well, Connor is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. We've had a few rough spots, sure, b-but he's saved me, made me whole again. And now, I don't know, he wouldn't just leave me here unless something was wrong." 

"Oh, I see." Was all he got in response, followed by Lydia asking for his address. He contemplated going home, but thought it would be best to check on Connor first, so he gave Lydia the Murphy's address.                            

The talking pretty much stopped after that, only a few questions were thrown his way that Evan did his best to give the shortest, but most efficient answer possible. It wasn't long before they pulled up in front of Connor's house, Evan tugging at the front of his shirt. 

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