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~Time skip~

Everyone has graduated and have jobs-Cyrus and Johnny are stronger than ever,Ricky and Nini had a rocky relationship but they got over everything together like always all my friends are still together Jacob found a girlfriend and everything is going great. there's one week left for Gina and EJ's wedding everything is mostly done they just have to find clothes for everyone Nini is Gina's bridesmaid and Ricky is EJ's best man.Everyone has settled all over but they have come back to Utah for the wedding. They wanted to have a wedding which is closer to their hearts and that Utah is where they were born and brought up so this was there fairy tale. The day was coming faster than expected and here we all are getting ready for the marriage the girls and guys are helping each other Gina tells everyone to leave because she wants to talk to me for some reason.

Nini-So what's up?

Gina-What if I am making a huge mistake? what if EJ actually doesn't like me?What if EJ sees me and then he thinks this is a huge mistake?What if-

Nini-Take deep breaths Gina,calm down please*smiles*

Gina-*taking deep breaths*Okay I am calm now

Nini-Good now listen to me you are marrying your high school love he has not left you he was with you through all your ups and downs he won't leave you now right?He loves you Gina and you love him he would be stupid if he leaves you hanging if he does I will beat him up *both of us laugh*Just calm down I will go and see him later

Gina-*hugs me*thanks Nini I don't know what I would do without you

Nini-*laughs*same*knock on the door*

Gina's Mom-Hi can we come in?

Nini-Hi,Mrs Porter please come in I was just leaving

Mrs Porter-Okay and Nini dear you look beautiful

Nini-Thanks*I leave*

Mrs Porter-*takes Gina in front of the mirror*How is the beautiful bride feeling?

Gina-Much better Nini helped me

Mrs Porter-Good that's why I like her, I am so proud of you Gina 

Gina-Thank you mom

Mrs Porter-Gina everything will go good I believe in you and when I met EJ I was sure that he is the one for you and see I was right

Gina-Yeah,thanks mom.I'm feeling better now

Mrs Porter-Good.

Nini walks towards the guys room where EJ and the guys are getting ready (I don't know if this is actually allowed but in my book it is)and knock on the door I can already hear they are in a mess and chuckle a little when I hear Ricky asking where his pants are finally Cyrus opens the door for me and I get inside

Nini-*sees the huge mess and EJ having his head in his hands*What the heck happened here?

EJ-*looks up*What are you doing here Nini?

Nini-I came to check up on the groom but stop avoiding my question

Ricky-Nothings wrong babe*kisses the top of her head*

Nini-SO you weren't the one who was asking where his pants are?

Cyrus-*laughs*it was him

Ricky-I didn't lose it I had misplaced it

Nini--Sure,um if you guys don't mind can I talk to EJ for a minute*everyone nods and leaves*

Finding True Love-Rini AUWhere stories live. Discover now