Chapter 11

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Ninis Pov:- It's been a week since me and Asher have joined college with my brothers I am really enjoining my time here. Me and Asher are going strong but I don't know I feel like it's not genuine like he's continuously out with his friends but he's still sweet to me apart from him everything is going great I have made the cheerleading team,the guys and me have movie nights on fridays like always (without Asher ofcourse because it's our time together) I have made some friends like Madison and Hayden these two are the closest to me.

*Me,Hayden and Madison are the cafeteria eating before our next class maths*

Hayden-So what were you two doing last night? I was just watching cute puppy videos

Nini-I had gone out with my brother and his friends to get ice-cream

Madison-I was thinking about life

Nini-Why are you always so weird Mads

Madison-What I need to think about my life Neens there's nothing wrong with thinking about life.

Nini-Ok,chill Mads chill

Hayden-Remind me again why I am your guys friends

Madison-Because we have the tea *we all laugh*

Hayden-Nini your gangs here

Nini-I know I already saw them

*from across the room EJ sees Nini talking with her friends and goes up to her with the gang*

EJ-Hey Nini,Mads,Hayden. How are yall?

Nini-Oh hey guys.Were all good thanks. *everyone says there hi's and yesses*

Ricky-So,What are yall doing?

Madison-Nothing just talking *smiles*

Cyrus-Oh right,Neens I wanted to ask you that I haven't seen Asher in a while where is he?

Nini-Somewhere here,I don't actually know he was telling me he's with his friends

EJ-ah ok

Ricky-So we'll see yall later bye guys*we all say bye and the guys leave*

Madison-Ok seriously tho,where is Asher?

Nini-I seriously don't know Mads *The bell rings*

Hayden-We'll talk about this drama later right now we need to go to class so that Mr Man doesn't keep us out of class again *we laugh and make our way to our class*

Ricky's Pov:-Ok,something is seriously wrong I haven't seen Asher anywhere I mean I have seen him in the hallways with Nini that's it he doesn't even sit with her in lunch period. I shouldn't say this I know but I am actually glad that there relationship isn't working because I may or may not have a chance like see we both are in college so EJ can't actually stop us from being together but we still have yet to know if Nini likes me like that because one sided love always hurts. In our group only Cyrus knows about my little crush on her which had gradually turned into a hug crush but what even I can do I mean Nini is good in everything and she is in the cheerleading squad may I add captain and I am in the basketball team so we are a perfect match I guess. I am simping so hard but I only simp for one girl Nini.

Ej's Pov:-So,Asher dosen't hang out with us anymore but Nini tells us he just wants to hang out with his friends I mean that's ok with me but if he breaks my sisters heart he will pay and freacking big time I ain't even lying. But now that Asher doesn't hang out with us Nini has started hanging out with us like before and I missed this a lot actually.

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