-Chapter Seventeen-

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It was a breezy November afternoon when you walked into what you thought was a normal transfiguration class but when you entered, there were no desks. Chairs were lined up on either side on the room length wise, and a big record player with a megaphone was off to the side.

You locked eyes with your Hufflepuff friend, Justin Finch-Fletchley and he had a excited look on his face.

You shuffle over to him and take a seat beside him.

"I think we're going to have to dance." You say to him, leaning in.

"I know! It's exiting!" He squeals.

Just a few weeks ago, Justin had come out to you and you were so proud of him. You were glad that he trusted you so much that he could tell you anything. He was in a way, a younger brother to you.

Professor Sprout came into the classroom and stood beside the record player.

"Now, I need boys the on this side and and the girls on the other." She announced, pointing from the right to the left. "Professor McGonagall has been kind enough to let us use her classroom, since it would be hard to dance in the green houses." She chuckled near the end of her sentence.

Everyone was now whispering to their friends about dancing. The boys arms were crossed with their facial expressions upset.

The girls on the other hand were bustling and chatting so much, you couldn't focus on even one conversation, it would be interrupted by a girl squealing.

"Now, the Yule ball is a Christmas celebration dance held for all students of the Triwizard
Tournament schools and today, I will be teaching you all to ballroom dance."

All the girls yip at the exciting news while the boys grown from across the room.

"You will be able to go with a partner. Think of it like a... what do muggles call it...?"

"A prom, Professor." You raise your hand and say.

"Yes! That's it. It will be like a Christmas prom!" She announces, her hand motions playful.

"Now, I'm going to play some music and partner you up."

Professor Sprout went around and gave each girl a number, and each boy a number. Whoever had the same number as you, was your partner.

"21.... 22...... 23."

You were number twenty-three and as soon as you stood up, there he was.


You knew he was in the class (obviously), but avoided contact with him.

I swear to Merlin if Cedric is number twenty-three I will find a way to skip this class.

"Y/L/N!" Professor Sprout called over from the record player. "Where's your partner?"

You look around the classroom and all eyes were on you. Everyone had a partner except Cedric.

Fuck my life.

"Professor I don't think being partners with Mr. Diggory is a good idea." You frown, clearly upset about how had things played out.

"Oh, right. Dumbledore told me what happened. Switch with Miss Fisher, then. Will you." She pointed from you to a sixth year named Olive who was partnered with Justin.

You smile wide at the knowing your new partner was the one and only Justin Finch-Fletchley.

He giggles as you run up to him. You have the urge to look back at your ex-partner, but try and focus on how you were now partners with your friend.

The rest of the class was full of stepping on Justin's toes,  watching Filch dance with Professor Sprout, (which was quite amusing) and Cedric looking sad.


When you went back to your dorm that night, you decide to write a letter to Cedric.

Parchment. Quill. Ink. All good.

You were dreading writing this letter, but at some point, you would have to tell Cedric how you felt. About how you thought he was one of the sweetest boys in school, but turned out to be an obsessed arsehole.

Dear, Cedric

I thought you were the nicest boy I'd ever met but boy, was I wrong. Why couldn't you have been a normal guy and tried to tell me that you liked me, instead of beating up my best friend, trying to look at me while showering, and use a LOVE POTION on me.

Words can't sum up how much I dislike you right now. I gave you a chance after you hurt Fred like that but instead you ruin it even more by trying to kiss me when I say I need space?

Please stay away from me from now on. Dumbledore will hear about anything else you attempt to do.

- Y/N, the girl who's school year you ruined

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