-Chapter Sixteen-

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After sitting in Dumbledore's office for an entire sixty minutes, Professor Snape can with the antidote. Good thing, too, because Dumbledore was getting tired of you rambling on about how amazing Cedric was.


"Y/N! Are you alright?" George said, running up to you the second he saw you. Fred and Angelina followed suit.

"Yeah. Dumbledore told me what happened. He's such a bitch, thinking he can take advantage of me like that."

Just then, as if on cue, Cedric walked out of the Great Hall, looking confident. He saw you and smiled, but when you gave him a death glare, it turned to fear.

You storm up to him, walking fast.

"Cedric Diggory! You're such a bitch!" You fume.

"I-." He tries to say. He puts his hands up as if to protect himself.

"You give me fucking Love Potion filled sweets, say that their from Fred so I would eat them, and then everything would be fine?! Listen, I told you I don't like you and poisoning me into liking you is horrific." You place a single finger on his chest and walk him into the wall.

George steps up behind you.

"Y/N, I can deal with him if you need. Fred got the chance to hit him and I want a try." He grinned at Cedric who look like he just saw a acromantula.

"Sorry, Georgie. I'm going to deal with him myself, thanks."

Everyone was now looking at you. You had a seventh year pinned against the wall, paralyzed in fear.

You were about to punch him then hex the living daylights out of him, but Professor McGonagall had walked out of the hall and saw you.

"Miss Y/L/N! What are you doing to Mr. Diggory?!" She flailed her hands and strutted over to you, having to pry you off of Cedric.

You struggles against her arms and break free, striking Cedric in between the eyes with your bare knuckles.

"Ow!" He squealed, grasping his nose.

"And that's for Freddie, bitch."

McGonagall gasped from behind you and ran up to Cedric who was holding his nose and crying like a child.

"Detention for two weeks for cussing and violence!" She announced to what seemed like the whole school. Everyone watching soon headed off to tell all their friends that Y/N      Y/L/N just punched Cedric Diggory in the face.

George, Fred and Angelina's mouths were open wide in shock.

"What?" You shrug, walking up to them.

"Your such a badass, Y/N." Angie said, eyes wide.

"He deserved it. I just hope that's the last time he messes with you or any girl like that." Fred pulled you into a hug and whispered, "detention was definitely worth hitting Diggory, huh?"

As he pulls away you nod positive.


The warm common room was empty as the shelves at Hogsmeade around Halloween time. It was only you. You and your parchment and quill.

You decided to write to the twins, telling them about your decision. You weren't ready to choose, so you were writing to say it would take a while.

You gave the envelope to your pet owl and (she/he/they) fly off to Fred and George.


"Why do I have to have potions class first thing in the morning?" You wonder to yourself.

Walking down the halls, everyone seems to look at you. Were you now known as the girl who 'harassed' Cedric Diggory outside the Great Hall?

You round the corner to the corridor which lead you to the dungeons. You always likes to be at least five minutes early for class because even the littlest distraction could waist five minutes, then being late with Snape would not be good. You could land yourself a months detention just for being five minutes late with that guy.

You open the door to the potions classroom and sploosh!

You're so surprised you let out a scared groan as you hear two matching voices gasp your name.


The twins had set up a prank for Lee because they knew that Lee was never late, always early. It was actually quite weird how early he always was, but that's besides the point.

"George and Fred Weasley!"

"We forgot you like to be early on days we have potions first. We weren't thinking." Fred said, playing with his hands.

"Well thanks to you boys, I'm soaking wet and we have class in a few minutes! Can either of you remember the drying spell so we can clean this and me up?"

"Wait until Lee gets here in minute, he'll know." George assures you.

You shudder at the coldness that now filled your body. You were drenched in cold water. Your teeth chatted and it catches George's attention.

"Here, Y/N. You can have my robe for now."

He unclipped his robe and swung it over your shoulders. You give him a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"So.... Y/N." Fred speaks up. "Me and Georgie got your letters and we completely understand."

"Thanks, guys. You know how hard this is going to be for me."

They nod and the three of you sit there on the bench, waiting for Lee.

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