-Chapter Twenty-

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I'm so sorry that this chapter was so late. I went to my cousins lake house and wasn't allowed electronics. Also thank you for 4K reads!!! It means so much to me that you all love it 🥺❤️ I hope you like the chapter, I didn't proof read it, so if there's any mistakes, I'm sorry

You were about to leave to Dumbledore's office  in Angelina's spare Gryffindor robes, when George grabbed your hand.


You look down at his big hand holding yours and smile.

"Yeah, Georgie?"

"Thank you for helping me with this. It means a lot that your doing this all for me."

"Oh! It's really no p-." You tried to say, but your cut off by George's lips crashing into yours.


I couldn't help myself. Y/N was just so pretty. I just had to.

I had kissed Y/N before but this time, after they said all those nice things to me and about how much she cared, the kiss was ten times better. My heart broke a little when I felt her pull back, but then when she leaned in, it repaired itself.

My hand made its way to Y/N's waist and that was apparently her cue to bring hers around my neck. Since she was shorter, she had to stand on her tippy-toes.

I really hope she picks me because Y/N is absolutely wonderful.


After a seventh year Slytherin saw you two snogging and called "get a room", George pulls away. He's blushing lots which was a good sign he liked it.

"You're really good at that." He smiles.

I am?

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself, Weasley." You say, a playful smirk spread across your face.

"Okay, out of everyone you've kissed, I'm the best. Right?"

"Yeah." You agree.

And it was kind of true. Him and Fred's kisses were the same but so different. Fred liked to bite your bottom while George liked traditional kissing. George knew where to put his hands and was quite calm while Fred kinda worried and was jittery. Fred being the more outgoing twin, you would've thought he would be the more confident kisser. Not many people could say they've kissed both Weasley twins.


The Great Hall was packed with students from all houses and years. You eyed the Hufflepuff table, hoping none of your friends would call you over. You were wearing Gryffindor robes, so that you could sit with George during the prank.

Taking a deep breath in, hoping and praying that this prank worked, you strutted up to George and slipped onto the bench beside him.

"Did you do it?" He whispered to you, trying not to draw attention to you both.

"Yep." You reply.

"Hey!", called a third year named Colin. "You're not in Gryffindor."

He pointed directly at you and a few heads turned.

"No, no, no! Colin, please don't say anything. I'll pay you! I'll get you Dumbledore's autograph!" You panic. You wouldn't let anyone ruin this moment for George.

"Fine. Three galleons and I'll shut up." He smirks.


The Sleeping Draught you gave Dumbledore was only to last a few minutes, just long enough for you to sneak the Voice-Changing Taffy into his mouth.

Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink.

Professor McGonagall hit a butter knife to her goblet gently and cleared her throat.

"Good Afternoon, everyone. Dinner will begin once Headmaster Dumbledore gives his daily speech."

Your attention went straight to the headmaster who seemed to not want to give his speech.

"He must have tried talking and heard his voice." You say to the redhead.

You could tell Fred was eyeing you and George, but you honestly didn't care. This was George's moment. Not his.

Dumbledore was known to most people as the 'greatest wizard of the age' but in your mind you couldn't help but think, "if he's so good, then why can't he undo a little Voice-Changing Taffy?"

The long-bearded wizard got up from his seat and quietly cleared his throat. He walked over to the podium in long strides, his robes sweeping the floor.

"Afternoon, Students."

Everyone expected to hear his regular booming  voice, but were shocked with what they heard. It sounded like a cartoon mouse talking in a squeaky voice. At first, everyone was silent but soon the entire hall burst into laughter, of course joined by Hagrid who was trying his best not to let the other teachers hear him.

Dumbledore didn't look all that embarrassed. He was accepting this embarrassment pretty well.

You and George were falling over giggling as well as many other Gryffindor students. Harry Potter, who everyone knew respected Dumbledore very much, didn't laugh.

"Come on, Harry! It's funny!" You call down the table in between snorts.

He seemed really unimpressed.

After a long while of laughing with George, you take his hand in yours and get up on the table.

All attention goes to you and the tall redhead since you're the only two standing. Over half the hall turn their heads to you and George standing on the Gryffindor table.

The smile on his face was terrific. It made your heart warm up and your cheeks glow red.

Your hands still intertwined, you both take a bow. There are faint things being said like, "Which twin is that?" and "That's Fred, right?"

The clapping, laughing and whistling died down and soon everyone was silent.

"Hi, Everyone. I'm Y/N, and this is George." You announce, talking just loud enough for the staff table to hear.

"We're glad you liked our prank."

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