-Chapter Six-

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(This is a shorter chapter than my usuals ones. Also thank you for all the reads! I'm glad you are enjoying it!)

Let's sit over here." You say, pointing to an empty space on the long table, full of Gryffindors.

"Wait, but y/n, you not a-" Angelina Johnson starts. You quickly put your finger to your lips, indicating for her to shut it.

You put a spell on your tie to be the Gryffindor house colours but you couldn't change the crest on your robes. The three of you take a seat, the twins on either side of you.

You chat with Hermione for a little about upcoming events until Dumbledore silenced everyone to make his usual speech. Everyone in the hall turned their attention to the headmaster.

After his usual greeting he told everybody some surprising information. There would be two other schools joining the students at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament. They would battle it off in three different trials that tested them in all kinds of ways. The winner would be promised 'eternal glory', which sounded dumb to you.

You look over to both the twins and they look excited for it. To be honest, if these trials were anything like Dumbledore said they were, you didn't want them to enter their names into the cup. Barty Crouch Senior then stood up and said something that would make the entire hall go crazy. No one over the age of seventeen was able to enter because of safety reasons! I mean, that might be a good thing but the twins thought otherwise.




Most of the boys were booing and cussing. The twins were especially loud. They clearly wanted to enter.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore boomed. His entire voice filled the hall. He even scared Hagrid with his loud voice.

"Now, I'd like to welcome, the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons!"

A big bunch of beautiful girls in baby blue outfits came strutting into the Great Hall. Everyone's attention, mostly the boys, was now on the new arrivals. They stepped down the walkways between tables and every time they stopped bright blue butterflies flew around them. You could tell all the Gryffindor boys were amused at the Beauxbatons girls, Ron especially. One of the girls who looked quite younger than all the others, was doing cartwheels and back ariels. Someone who looked to be related to her, did a spin and took her hand.

The crowd went wild.

The boys stood up, whistling, clapping and howling. All the girls stayed sitting and slowly clapped, not happy.

George and Fred sat down and saw that you weren't amused. They looked around and saw all the boys with giddy expressions and wide smiles. All the girls with low eyes and frowns.

"Oh, come on y/n." Fred says. "You know who's prettier than all those girls combined?"

You look up at him as he grabs your hand.

"You." Says George, grabbing your other hand.

"Oh come on dude you took my line." Fred says.

You smile and lean your head on George's shoulder.

"I love you two."

Just then, the headmaster introduced the next school joining you at Hogwarts.

The school was called Durmstrang and was famous for having the Bulgarian seeker, Victor Krum.
The boys came into the hall aggressively and there was "oohs" and "aahs" from everyone in the hall. A few of them were doing flips, some of them had staffs and were breathing fire! Then, three men came in. They were wearing big, burly fur coats and fuzzy animal hide hats. This time, everyone was amused.

After a few more announcements, the feast began. The hall was lively with chatter and laughter.

You were talking with Lee Jordan about the Quidditch World Cup.

"Did you see Krum! He was amazing!"

"He was okay I guess." You say.

You weren't really a big fan of the Bulgarian team or Viktor Krum.

The rest of the feast was spent with delicious food and great friends and conversations.


Dumbledore dismissed everyone to bed and the dishes of piles of food vanished. You and the twins got up and walked out of the hall. You were all about to head up the stairs when George stopped. You and Fred kept walking, but when you noticed George stopped, you turned around.

"What's up, Georgie?" You ask him.

He looked up from his feet and muttered,

"You guys wanna prank Ron tomorrow. I have the BEST idea. It'll scare the shit outta him."

You and Fred nod and the three of you do your handshake.

"Triple Trouble is back in business." Fred said, dramatically with a fist bump to the air.

You say goodnight to the boys, both giving them hugs and you run up to your dorm.

Weasley Twins x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin