-Chapter Twenty-Five-

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The Yule Ball was coming up soon and you just assumed you were going with (twin you chose). Your mother found you a dress that fit the exact description you gave her. She had send it in the mail a few days ago, and when you showed Angelina, her jaw dropped.

"That is just your colour! You're the only one who could successfully pull this off, Y/N." She had told you. You did a little spin that made the pretty Gryffindor 'ooh'.


The common room was cold, even with the roaring fireplace. Raindrops were hitting and running down the very few windows. There was a few forth year girls giggling about their dates. Everybody who didn't have a date were scavenging to find one before the ball.

"He's the nicest guy ever! He helps the younger years find their way around the school!" One of them squealed into another's ear, making her retreat.

"Who are you going with Jenna? Your imaginary girlfriend?" One of them called from across the room to a quiet girl reading Un-fogging the Future in the corner.

The girl in the corner was Jenna Fields, a lesbian, muggle-born fourth year that always got heckled at by other girls. Especially homophobic pure-bloods.

What the actual fuck is wrong with them?

"Hey!" You holler at them, rushing over. "How about the five of you don't bully Jenna. She's a nice girl who has done nothing to you. Why the fuck are you in Hufflepuff! You know what? Why were you even fucking invited here! Do you bully her because she's muggle-born or because she's gay? I think those "nice boys" your taking to the dance would love to hear about how your being such bitches to a fellow house member. There's no room for making fun of blood or being homophobic in this common room. Now make fun of her again, and Professor Sprout will hear about how you three stick your Bubba-Licious bubblegum underneath the tables and about how you were the ones who broke her favourite pot."

The girls were horrified and one of them was even crying. Everyone in the common room was now paying full attention to you. When you turned around everyone was watching you.

"Alright, Everyone. Nothing to see here! Just me calling out these homophobic bullies!" You announce loud enough so everyone can hear you. Jenna had left once she noticed the yelling, but you were going to send her an owl.


The next day at breakfast, you go and sit beside Lee Jordan who was trying to drink all his pumpkin juice in one go. (Twin you didn't choose) was across the way, cheering him on.

When he noticed you, he cleared his throat.

"Y/N, I'm all good now. I'm happy for you and my brother." He said, playing with the scrambled eggs on his plate.

"Aw, (Georgie/Freddie), I'm just glad you still want to be best friends." You smile, filling your goblet with juice.

"Of course! I never want to lose you!" He says lovingly.

"Same, (twin you didn't choose.)"

You say there for about a minute until you realized something was off. Did you forget to do your homework? No. Left the tap on? No. Then you realized.

"Hey, Lee. Do you know where (twin you chose) is? He's never usually this late." You ask the boy.

While Lee replies, you notice (twin you didn't choose) take a walkie-talkie out of his robe pocket and whisper into it after the beep. He slipped in back into his robe and went back to eating, like noting had happened.

"(Twin you didn't choose), what's that all about?" You point at where the radio had been before he put it away.

"Nothing." He said, but soon a smile formed in the corner of his lips. He mouthed the words three... two... one.


The partially open doors to The Great Hall had been thrown back to him the wall. A bright (your favourite colour) spark came flying into the hall. Everyone was in shock. What was that?

The sparks made their way down the middle aisle and then shot up in the sky. The millions on little specks started moving unnaturally to form words. In the beginning, it was hard to make out what it said, but you quickly found out. It said:


While you were staring up at the roof and thinking how much you liked this boy, (twin you chose) came up behind you.

"So." A familiar voice said from behind. "Ball?"

You spun around in your seat and got up to face the Weasley.

He was holding a vibrant blue rose that he had clearly plucked the thorns out of.

"Oh, yes! A hundred times yes, (Georgie/Freddie)!" You say, jumping into his hug. Everyone in the hall claps at the beautiful fireworks and the amazing Yule Ball proposal. Behind your back (twin you chose) gives his brother and Lee a thumbs.

You pull away from the hug and give the boy a peck on the lips which makes Lee 'ooh'. He offers you the pretty flower and you take it, thanking him for everything. 

Weasley Twins x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें